Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

John Caughey said:

Too good for a Snidely Whiplash comment (


John Caughey said:

You should paint the spike heads anyway, so no harm doing with assembled tracks. You may have to touch up after heat/cool cycles …

Yes, I also painted the tie strips in batches, some with more grays, some with more “rust” and some just black with rust on the tie plates. Then I mixed up the strips during assembly for a uneven (sort of random) effect.

Well I got the last bit of the bench work base done. The ladder is just sitting there, it isn’t done. Its just giving me a visual. I am going to put a siding along the house down to this corner. But I realized I have a bit of a problem. I didn’t make any plan to be able to reach it. So between the bench and the rock wall I will have to build some sort of platfrom that a person can stand on so they can switch whatever industry ends up inthe corner.

But the bench work base is now complete. The next step will be to put the PVC boards across and then lay down the mesh and the weed block and then the track base. Of course I have to also continue to put rock under the bench work and finish the walk way gravel. Still lots to do but I am seeing the reality of it.

What Joe said…

This is looking great! Devon buddy !!!

However I would rethink a gate here ^^^^^^^^^^ in case you need to go in and repair things/ pick up fallen cars … see how easy you can access this end… That’s just me…

Again great work and I’m anticipating you first video…

The idea is an interesting one. I might revisit that at a later date. Not now. The nice thing is that can always be done if need be. I will file it away so it can be retrieved for a future “I told you so”.

D e v o n … where art thou ? / / / / / ?

about five weeks to go…

Hey sorry guys. I have been hard at work either on the RR or on other projects that need to get done. So the internet has not been where I am spending my time. But I have not run away. I have started getting the PVC boards down on the bench. I am thinking by this weekend I should have all the PVC boards down, the netting over that, and the weed block on top of that which will serve as the top of the bench. I might even get some more of the track laid. I have the utmost confidence I will have all the track down in the next few weeks. I am taking a week off sometime at the first of the month and that will be more than enough time to have all the track done and running. I will try and post some photos at the end of the weekend.

Uh oh, he is planning on procrastinating again.

Where out of that post didn’t get that I was planning on procrastinating? Unless I was ambiguous in what I said I pretty much said I was continuing to work on it and was even planning a week off of work to get it done.

Any who I will take pictures Sunday but yesterday and today I have been working on the pvc on the bench. I won’t be able to finish all of it this weekend. The stuff is just too expensive. So I will have to do it a section at a time. But by the end of the weekend I will have about half the bench done and ready for track.


I think when you mentioned you will be taking a week off, it was interpreted by some to be taking a week off of building your railroad. (

Oh!!! OK no I am taking a week off my real job to work on the railroad. It looks like the week of the fourth. And then I should have all the rails down and the railroad will be “done” in the sense that all the track will be down and operating. That’s the plan.

My tingling Devon-sensor is twitching good buddy … (

As a Professional Crastinator, I can hear Wednesday coolly suggesting Start on my day… we can plan!

Hey! It’s 'cause we care!

As always,

yer bud

John Caughey said:

My tingling Devon-sensor is twitching good buddy … (

Devon Sinsley said:
Oh!!! OK no I am taking a week off my real job to work on the railroad. It looks like the week of the fourth. And then I should have all the rails down and the railroad will be “done” in the sense that all the track will be down and operating. That’s the plan.

The best laid plans of mice and men…

Well it isn’t the greatest view but the pvc boards are down on roughly half of the bench. I then laid a plastic netting down stapling it tight. Over that I then laid the Typar weed block I need to fasten down the weed block still with the PVC board cleats like you see on the yard bench. I didn’t get quite as far as I thought I would but almost. My wife and I are building a water feature for her and it took some extra time.

How do you see the trains under the plastic?


It’s UV protection. You have to make sacrifices you know.

That is actually weed block not plastic. It is a very heavy woven cloth stuff. That will be fixed down over the plastic screen.