Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

You’re getting there buddy! (

same here Devon, I spend a lot miles thinking about what buildings Iwant to make, looking at places I take pictures of things I would like to add to my RR, and on facebook all the videos aand pictures of layouts are a great source of ideas. Love the arial view of it , gives a great idea of how things are on your RR. Keep the pictures and inspirations coming!

Very nice Devon Buddy…

I find that cardboard boxes make reasonable temporary standing for buildings, in a pinch. You’ll see. (

Steve, if I squint just right, and tilt my head, I can see the whole miniature town of Shannon in my yard. ( one doesn’t need stand ins if one is unbalanced enough, like me, and can clearly see what isn’t there. After all, I spent a summer watching the trains go round and round my yard, before I even laid the track.

Been 5 days … the natives are getting restless …

Is it done yet? :wink:

Very nice !!!

Hey guys well I haven’t gotten any further. Last weekend was a bummer but I guess I needed the break. I had something going on with me and my body shut down on Friday and I literally slept all day. Didn’t feel sick but none the less I was out, could not stay awake. Then at around 7:30PM my wife comes home in severe abdominal pain. We spent until midnight in urgent care and the ER. We thought Appendix, first doc thought ovarian cyst rupture, ER finally diagnosed it as a 4mm kidney stone. Saturday I was in a seminar/training all day. And Sunday I just hung out with my poor wife who is still in misery watching TV. So that was my weekdend. She still hasn’t passed the stone, poor girl. I am hoping this weekend to be more productive and finish laying the track on the lower section and complete the final section of bench work.

Rev Dev,

Life situations should always come first and foremost. You will get it done when you get it done. I hope the wife and you are feeling better really soon.

OK that is an acceptable explanation AND we don’t want/need pics! :slight_smile:

Good thing you were rested.


Oh boy I know all about kidney stones. Mine took about three months to finally pass. The pain came in waves, some days no pain, some days a lot.
Tell her to drink, drink and keep drinking water. The more you per, the faster it moves. Supposedly, the initial pain is the worse when it breaks away from the kidney, than its only painful when it gets stuck!

Yup … I remeber going thru that as well!

Cranbery Juice still reminds me of that adventure!

Hope all goes well!

Well we think my wife has passed the stone. She never found it but she is all out of pain. Lets hope it is not just resting. But at least for now she is back on her feet.

I got all the track down on the lower section.

I decided to wait and paint the track after it is down an before I do the final ballast. The areas I painted the track first and then bent have silver specks all over them where the tie strips slid. So I am hoping by doing it after it will look a little better.

Next up is to finish the bench work.

The best part is the more I get done the more my wife keeps eyeing it with satisfaction. She is very happy that this side of the yard is finally not just weeds.

You keep this up and it might start lookin’ like a railroad before long.

Looking good Devon.

Too good for a Snidely Whiplash comment (


Looking real nice RevDev. (

Wow, nice progress, Devon. Glad the wife is doing better.

I decided to wait and paint the track after it is down an before I do the final ballast. The areas I painted the track first and then bent have silver specks all over them where the tie strips slid. So I am hoping by doing it after it will look a little better.

Well, its a good idea, but the rails and ties will still shift. I got my best paint results by painting the rails first, and then putting the ties on. But then there is the chance, if the ties fit tight onto the rails, that the paint will get scraped off.

So, its starting to look like I need to reschedule the opening celebration that I had cancelled.

David Maynard said:

I decided to wait and paint the track after it is down an before I do the final ballast. The areas I painted the track first and then bent have silver specks all over them where the tie strips slid. So I am hoping by doing it after it will look a little better.

Well, its a good idea, but the rails and ties will still shift. I got my best paint results by painting the rails first, and then putting the ties on. But then there is the chance, if the ties fit tight onto the rails, that the paint will get scraped off.

So, its starting to look like I need to reschedule the opening celebration that I had cancelled.

I hadn’t thought about that. Your right it will move and end up showing the spots anyway. As for painting the rails first; the track is all pre assembled and I am not taking it all apart then putting it back together again.(

You should paint the spike heads anyway, so no harm doing with assembled tracks. You may have to touch up after heat/cool cycles …

I could make you a deal on slightly used wooden clamps and some nicely rusted steel wool snakes, I can’t stop admiring my staining, said Pooh modestly.