Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017


I see that the three stooges helped with the pvc supports!

Straight pipe is cheep, it’s the couplings that add up quickly …

Somehow, to this frugal old man, that looks Bass Ackwards!(

I kid because I can.

Hurry up and bury it! Hide the evidence…


Beats the hell out of digging another 2 foot deep hole in my rock I have for ground. When you compare the price of fittings tot he cost on my old out of shape back those fittings are damn cheap. Not to mention a half a bag of cement for each hole that has to be loaded, unloaded, carried to the back yard mixed and shoveled into the hole. Whats a few bucks on fittings. Now I will say that I some how messed it up and ended up with it off set and not even distance between the two. But it is stable, surprisingly and once the dirt is there it will be nice and firm.

Want some cheese?

Nobody said it would be easy, man this is a hobby, if you truly want it to grow, you have to work at it some!(

Are we having fun yet?

I am not whining. . .maybe a little. . . See they say that necessity is the mother of invention. . .but laziness is the father of efficiency. A young hard working man knuckles down and get the work done. A fat out of shape old guy either finds someone else to do it or finds an easier way.

Well this weekend was pretty productive though the picture really doesn’t do the amount of work done justice. First I extended the wall that I had been working on by another few feet. But I am at a stopping point until I can finish the rest of the ladder. I need to buy some redwood so I can make it. But I can’t build the wall until I first sink the posts. I did sink 6 more posts four for the inner track and 2 for the outer track in the photo. This is allowing me to fill this corner with dirt. I also had to make another small pressure treated wall 4 feet long and cement it into the ground. I then went and got another load of rock for the wall. I then built the inner wall. and moved all the rest of the dirt I had brought in.

That back rock wall is about 30" tall at the far end.

I also found a couple rocks in my rock stash that had some nice moss and lichen on them and were fractured. I liked the look so I think I am going to look for more moss covered rocks to use for decoration. A little early to be decorating but I had to see what it looked like. I filled in with the crushed basalt fines and really like this look.

I will bring in the next load of dirt. The boys can fill the corner in and get about half the dirt in without me need to build any wall. In the meantime I need to make that piece of ladder and finish the bench work. I will need to get his done before I can finish the raised bed completely. But we are getting somewhere finally.

I should probably explain why the inner wall is arched in the way it is instead of using it for track. We desperately need a tree on that side of the house. That is the south facing exposure of our house and it gets hot as heck. So that space is reserved for a tree. I can’t remember the name of tree but it is a late spring flowering tree that gets about 40’ tall. It is a tree that they use in town near roads and side walks because it doesn’t push up with its roots. So it should be a great tree for that area. I will put in a couple of drip irrigation loops to water it. and the area will then be filled in with bark.

Looking good, keep up the great work. Hopefully this rain will stop someday.

Chuck Inlow said:

Looking good, keep up the great work. Hopefully this rain will stop someday.

Yeah would be nice to move dry dirt. But honestly, while I am bitching about the rain now, in a few weeks I will be bitching about the heat. This weekend wasn’t bad. I am sore, which is a good thing, finally connected three days together where I could work. Was nice.

Actually the weather hasn’t slowed Chris down. She’s been out on the layout weeding and doing a major trim job on the pine trees. She’s cut 3 completely out and trimmed another 3 and it looks great. I’ve been down with the stomach flu for the last 3 days and it sucks.

Chuck Inlow said:

Actually the weather hasn’t slowed Chris down. She’s been out on the layout weeding and doing a major trim job on the pine trees. She’s cut 3 completely out and trimmed another 3 and it looks great. I’ve been down with the stomach flu for the last 3 days and it sucks.

Send her over, Chuck, I’ve got work for her. (

Great Progress Devon! (

I don’t have anything constructive to say, I just wanted the supreme and high exalted honor of getting you to Page Fifty.

I don’t have anything constructive to say, I just wanted the supreme and high exalted honor of getting you to Page Fifty.


Wow…what’s it gonna take???

Seriously, still no Page 50???

I guess someone else will have to do the honors…I am so disappointed. boo hoo.

Ah, well…Devon will get to page 60 and beyond. I have faith.

Edit for page 50, ya who.

Nice going David!

It had to be you, Maynard. (Is that a song?)