Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

I have no doubt I will reach 60 and beyond. 9 pages of BS and 1 page of updates . . . yeah sounds about right

So barring any unforeseen circumstances I have next week off. I also have some extra coin for overtime on this paycheck. So I am hoping in that 10 days I can get all the bench work and ladder done. It can’t all be installed because of dirt and rock hauling. But if I can get it made then I will feel like I am over the hump. If I can get all the track base done by june then that would leave me two months to lay track. I also will take another week in June probably. I am feeling good about this

Hey Devon, ever hear this one?

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

There you go. (

Hey, I’m rootin’ fer ya.


John Caughey said:

Hey Devon, ever hear this one?

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

There you go. (

Hey, I’m rootin’ fer ya.message


Oh the stories I could tell on this one.

It looks better each time you give an update. You’ll get it done …well…yes you will get it done.


Well what? I am not allowed to tell those stories on here. And no one wants to hear them anyways. Lets just say I have learned God doesn’t follow instructions well and leave it at that.

Dan Hilyer said:
It looks better each time you give an update. You’ll get it done …well…yes you will get it done.


I have no doubt.

David Maynard said:


Why at the well?

Remember …parables are seemingly simple and memorable stories, often with imagery, and all convey messages.

Rooster has edited this post to add John 4 and a smiley just for post count as this is what is important in life


Well, ah, um. It hasn’t happened until its happened, and until it happens, it hasn’t happened yet.


I misunderstood your “well”; yours was purely sarcastic in nature having nothing to do with my parables. So to you I just ignore the well.


Lets just say that if Jesus is the light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet then I cast a damn big shadow when I try to lead and end up stumbling in the dark. I had my path all planned for my chaplaincy once I graduated. Big emphasis on “I had”. I had a vision on how I would best serve him. It sure as heck didn’t have anything to do with serving as a chaplain in a men’s shelter. As I tried to force my will on other’s God just chuckled I am sure. I am convinced he said “boy just wait til you see what I have planned for you”. Then one day I wandered into the men;s shelter to fill MY need for an assignment. Then I was briefly introduced to the staff chaplain. He simply said I have been praying for you and we will be in touch. That is literally all he said to me and was gone. I have been working there since. And I have been richly blessed there and have been given more authority by both God and man than I had ever expected to have as a volunteer one day a week.

The point to my parable is that when we walk before God leading our own charge, even with the most noble of intentions, we will stumble and struggle. And I think God very much has a sense of humor, much as I will chuckle at my kids when I know the result of their actions, I think God chuckles. God knew my heart but needed me to know His. But I needed to step aside so His light could be revealed on the path.

Amen brother!!!

Sarcastic? Well, more like, um…I will believe it when I see it. So not so much sarcastic as a statement of doubt.

Keep at it, you will get there. By the deadline? I dunno.

Brother Devon, That was an excellent explanation of my reminder.

Be Blessed.


David Maynard said:

Sarcastic? Well, more like, um…I will believe it when I see it. So not so much sarcastic as a statement of doubt.

Keep at it, you will get there. By the deadline? I dunno.

Hey Maynard,

Are you sure your first name isn’t Thomas?

I’ll show him the nail wounds on July 31, on the third day, when I rise from my tomb. . . with a hangover.

Devon Sinsley said:

I’ll show him the nail wounds on July 31, on the third day, when I rise from my tomb. . . with a hangover.

Joe Zullo said:

David Maynard said:

Sarcastic? Well, more like, um…I will believe it when I see it. So not so much sarcastic as a statement of doubt.

Keep at it, you will get there. By the deadline? I dunno.

Hey Maynard,

Are you sure your first name isn’t Thomas?

No, but it could have been Patrick. But my mom changed her mind.

Its not that I am a doubter, its just that for me, well, I kind of need to see things., And so far I have seen a lot of pages of little progress. If I lived closer to Devon, I would be over there helping him get things moving in a direction… But I live all the way over here in the state of bad roads.

What the heck do you mean little progress? Seriously? I dunno I think I have made a tremendous amount of progress. Lets recap:

A patio area cleared, leveled, and cement poured all part of preparations for the yard.

The area in which the railroad is going cleared, leveled, and a fence built.

That side of my house completely resided including added insulation all in preparation for the railroad.

The yard cabinet built and track laid.

About 1/2 of the bench work built and installed.

About 1/2 of the raised bed built to include a rock wall and dirt back-filled, with about 3/4 of the rock wall itself built.

About 3/4 of the ladder system built.

95% of the materiel acquired.

I don’t know I would say I have done quite a bit; I have made very decent progress. With about 75-80% of the heavy construction done I think I am moving along quite nicely. Once the last of the wall and dirt is in place the track laying itself will go by quickly.

And lets not forget why we are on page 50. That’s has way more to do with the peanut gallery than the peanut.

Like I said no doubts or worries. I won’t miss my deadline. On July 29th, 2017 I will have a rack of ribs on the BBQ, a bourbon in one hand and a remote control in the other running a train on my pike. After that will be a life time of landscaping, decorating, rearranging, and modification.

Where we were and where we are

I don’t know maybe its just my aching muscles making me delusional but I think I got a lot done. And I might add mostly by myself, not that I have not had offers from many local RRers, but I have just plugged away. Now that I have my son and his friend on the payroll, my wife continuing to help when and where she can, and my future son-in-law running a shovel this summer I think we are looking great. OH yeah don’t forget the longest wettest winter/spring in the history of forever.

But sheesh I guess some people are hard to please.