Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Pete Lassen said:

getting closer all the time, like how things are turning out. Keep it up and not only will you be ready for the open house , but all bugs, kinks and gremlins will have been taken care of so everyone will have to eat their words on the get it done deal!

Well I never said nothing about bugs kinks or gremlins being worked out. Now you might be pushing it. (psst I want to tell you a secret. I actually think most of these guys are actually quietly rooting me on. I think they actually want to eat their words. I think this is their way of pushing me to get it done. . . its working. . . but donā€™t let on that I know).

I vote for The Fun look.


So where was the external drive?

Of course we actually want you to get it done, on time, without pulling all nighters to do it. But, we also know Devon. If something interesting enough comes along, he will be off on that tangent instead of building a railroad.

The hard drive was in the couch.

Devon Sinsley said:

The hard drive was in the couch.

How does a HD get ā€œin the couchā€???

Joe, thatā€™s one of them newfangled, internet ready, blue tooth equipped, wireless couches.

The hard drive I use is a 1 terabyte external hard drive that attaches via a USB cable. Think of it as large thumb drive. After losing a great deal of information to a computer crash several years ago I decided that I need and external back up. So I got one of these gadgets. So I frequently back up my internal HD onto my external one. Well at least my important personal stuff not the whole thing. Well it is a good thing I did because I had another computer crash about 6 months ago. the HD was unrecoverable. Thankfully it was ll on my external HD. but then I never transferred it to the computer I have now.

So someone moved my computer and put it, along with the external hard drive, on the couch. The couch gremlins came in the night and disconnected the hard drive and they took it to the deepest recesses of the couch. We had searched the couch before but did not go deep enough. It is a big sectional couch that requires disassembly to get to its inner most realms.

We finally called in a hostage rescue team and went after it.

Devon Sinsley said: Got another set of two poured.

Photos of what Sean,

My hard drive or the couch?

Pictures of ā€œgot another set of two pouredā€

Do you actually read the whole post, or do you just skim?

I should probably get one of them there sternal hard drives. But I was thinkin ah gettin a UPS instead.

It was the catchy .gif that threw me. You know you shouldnā€™t show me shiny things you know how easily I get distracted.

The reason I like the external hard drive is that it is portable. I used it a bunch for school and when I went to the archives in Minnesota. I like that I can take it anywhere. The down side is that it does not do automatic backups. I know you can schedule your computer to do it but then it has to be attached all the time.

Automatic back ups. Isnā€™t that what the cloud is for?

David Maynard said:

Automatic back ups. Isnā€™t that what the cloud is for?

give the spooks a break.

if we all would store all our garbage in the clouds they would have to work overtime.

Korm yes. But after they shut down the one cloud, and then informed the companies that were using it, that they could have their data back when the investigation was concluded, in about 3 months, I will stay firmly on the ground.


If you canā€™t find your camera ā€¦ check the couch!(

Devon ā€¦Devon . Come out ā€¦ Come out !!

Itā€™s too cold for him to come out and play.

Hey guys,

I am still here. Crazy busy. But unfortunately not on the RR. The weather will not cut me any slack. Can pour cement for all the rain and we tried to shovel dirt but it is nothing but wet slop. One of the wettest Marches on record and April is starting the same. We had snow today. I didnā€™t take my vacation yet and glad I didnā€™t, Save it for better weather where I can pour my heart into it.

page 48ā€¦

And if you

Can pour cement for all the rain

Then why donā€™t you? (