Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Is it done yet?

David Maynard said:

Is it done yet?

Now we return you to your regular scheduled programming… (


How is our favorite man of the cloth doing… Do you have a game plan that you would like to share? (

It’s too quiet … here…

Hmmmm he has written a IV th article … sneeky … (

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Hmmmm he has written a IV th article … sneeky … (


Part IV was posted over two weeks ago. Where have you been, hibernating? (

Sean McGillicuddy said:


How is our favorite man of the cloth doing… Do you have a game plan that you would like to share? (

It’s too quiet … here…

does there exist the remote possibility, that he is growing up?


Sometimes its fun to be silent and listen the crickets chirp. ( For Sean and the others. Last weekend was a real downer; big plans and life got in the way. Not to mention it just will not stop raining here. So last weekend nothing important got done. But I do have a plan. I will be taking a week off in April and again in May. The plan is before the week adventure in April I want to get those concrete footings for the bents poured and finish putting in all the posts for the ladder. I have all the bents made. I still need to make the rest of the ladder. But the ladder can come because I have a ton of dirt to move before it can be put in place.

The dirt; I am dreading the dirt. By rough calculations I have to bring somewhere between 5 and 10 yards of fill dirt. There is no way to get that dirt directly to the place I need it. No matter how I do it; it will have to be moved by wheel barrow. I am too old, fat, out of shape, and darn right lazy for that kind of work. So I have struck a deal with my son and his friend. I will haul in a 5 yard dump truck load and dump it. they will get paid well to move it. This will happen the weekend before my weeks vacation. then I will spend the week building the rock walls.

Then I will fuss around with other things like walkways and shaping and installing ladder. Then the second weeks vacation will be the main push to get the track down and get the ground back filled around the track and ladder. June and July will be devoted to cleaning up landscaping and making it pretty.

That’s the vision. That’ plan. Plan the work and work the plan. Not exciting but hopefully I will be in cruise mode come July. On July 29 I will run a train. But that is also the weekend of Skyfest, the airshow at the local Airforce base that I never ever miss.

How about that secretly updated track plan … (

That’s the vision. That’ plan. Plan the work and work the plan.

No plan survives first contact.

So, what are plans “B”, “C” and “D”?

Or, since we are on page 46, what are plans “47”, “48” and “49”?

Sean McGillicuddy said:

How about that secretly updated track plan … (

I am still trying to find my external hard drive. That has the track plan on it. Hold tight. It will appear. I am confident.

David Maynard said:

That’s the vision. That’ plan. Plan the work and work the plan.

No plan survives first contact.

So, what are plans “B”, “C” and “D”?

Or, since we are on page 46, what are plans “47”, “48” and “49”?

Well despite what the consensus might be from the spectators I am still on plan A. And my plan is going quite swimmingly. I am not behind nor worried. My plan is not rigid and has built in flexibility. But I am still on track.

Ok Devon. So, when you are pulling all nighters the weekend before the open house, I can quote your previous post…

Devon Sinsley said:

Sean McGillicuddy said:

How about that secretly updated track plan … (

I am still trying to find my external hard drive. That has the track plan on it. Hold tight. It will appear. I am confident.

That one sits on your shoulders, check a mirror to find…

Devon Sinsley said:…. But I am still on track.

That would be a play on words, right? See how sharp I am? How quick I pick up?

I think you like deadlines…that track leads right to open house!

A railroad dead line?

OK I found my external hard drive. And I was able to update the track plan to what is much more real world to what is going down on the ground.

John P.

No I don’t like deadlines. But in this case I have made one. So as a result I have to have a plan to meet it. And I will just have to let you all down when I do meet it without pulling all nighters. I am not the slightest bit concerned.

Today the rain broke long enough to get some concrete poured. I poured two of the pads so far. I will be going out in a bit to pour another two. If the weather holds out then I will pour at least one more set of two tomorrow. That will allow me to install all but 14’ of the benchwork. Four more pads and the entire bench work will be able to be installed.

Edit to say: I am showing this picture again so people can kinda get an idea of what the track plan looks like compared to whats on the ground. The left loop is the area shown in the picture.

Devon Nice plan !

So I’m guessing that the brown is bench work?

Thanks … Now we know how much you need to finish! (

PS. Get back to work! They have a thing called work lights!

No need for sleep!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Devon Nice plan !

So I’m guessing that the brown is bench work?

Thanks … Now we know how much you need to finish! (

PS. Get back to work! They have a thing called work lights!

No need for sleep!

The grey is my house. The brown is indeed the bench work and the green is the ground.

Got another set of two poured.

I need to shorten some bents. I made all the bents the same height thinking all the bench work would be the same height. But in order to get from the ground section at 18" to the bench work section at 35" and not exceed 3% grade I have to carry the grade up to the point where the turn out is on the right side. So that narrow section of bench will need to be dropped. I will use the bench as a base for supports for ladder. The question is do I drop the entire skinny section and then make some cool rock work or cribbing on that entire section that rises from the benchwork up to the ladder and follows the grade. That would give a fun look.

getting closer all the time, like how things are turning out. Keep it up and not only will you be ready for the open house , but all bugs, kinks and gremlins will have been taken care of so everyone will have to eat their words on the get it done deal!