Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Ken, maybe, but that won’t get’er done.

Wow way to go buddy, 40 pages of procrastination! True, you’ve had a tad of help, but I suspect you enjoy the attention… heck we can call it Fellowship!(

Let’s see now, January is shot with the Challenge and your fancy new title is bound to steal some time… it’s crammin’ for finals all over again…(, even with the bonus month, time is running away…

So buddy, from what you know about me, am I surprised? (

Happy New Years!!!

Yer bud,


Hi? What the…hi?

You need to pick up tools and start continuing onward to your goal.

Yo, LCPL, git to work, quit jackin’ yer jaws. An when you get that done, come see me, I got more for you.

Is it done yet? (

Sean, how can it be done yet? Devon is hibernating after eating way too much for the holiday. Then, once he wakes up, he is going to Devon the project until the build challenge. Then he will Devon his railroad while he participates in the challenge. Then he will Devon it some more until late spring, after the ground thaws. Then he will Devon it because of the spring rainy season. Then he will Devon it because its too hot on them early summer days. Then he will Devon it some more because…

Just look at his poor rodless locomotive.

Wow Maynard, good way to put the spurs to poor old beat up Devon. hopefully he is holding back for a massive progress picture dump… that was funny, even I had to stop typing to laugh at that. Oh well, Some progress report must be due… soon

A progress report? Lets see. He made all those wonderful woodcrafts. He finished his higher education. He celebrated Christmas. And he is off on a tangent, but I forget what the latest one is. So, when did he have time to progress?

Well the craziness is behind me. The only thing ahead of me is the build challenge and a chess set I am building. But even with those two things on the list I do hope to start making long boards into short boards for the bench work bents.

This winter’s progress will look slow and unexciting for sure. Only thing on the list is the bents and the rest of the ladder, not real exciting but necessary.

I can see why Devon never finishes anything…

He aims tooo big/large …(

Sean, ha ha. Yea. And Devon has the opposite of target fixation. I guess it would be target distraction. He doesn’t stay on target long enough to finish it off before he is off onto another target. I have that same affliction.

David Maynard said:

Sean, ha ha. Yea. And Devon has the opposite of target fixation. I guess it would be target distraction. He doesn’t stay on target long enough to finish it off before he is off onto another target. I have that same affliction.

I can’t argue this

Sean McGillicuddy said:

I can see why Devon never finishes anything…

He aims tooo big/large …(

Damn I knew my chess set was going to be too small.


On another of Devons thread this pic showed up!

This got me thinking…

We need to get one of these to keep him on track!

Devon January is almost gone… get to work!

lol its January 5th. . .almost done???

Come on Devon … your going to say February already where did January go… (

Your building Chess sets, building challenge, indoor rails. …WOW… were did the time go!

No I am not building indoor rails…lets be clear about that. I have abandon the indoor project for now to build the outdoor. But the rest of what you said is true, I can’t argue that. Actually if you really must know I did go out yesterday for a bit and started cleaning the shop. My Christmas projects kinda trashed the place and it needs to be cleaned up and reconfigured for heavy construction. This weekends plan is to completely clean and rearrange stuff so I can make saw dust.

Progress should begin this weekend. One major bonus is I do not have to travel for my sons hockey until March. That leaves a lot of free weekends. As already said i want to get all the bents made before spring. Part of that will be rather involved. Where the Wye is going will be somewhat elaborate. I plan to prefab that whole shebang up in the shop including track. By spring I want to be able to move outside and set up all the bench work at one time.


January is about gone!

February is only 28 days …

Get to work!