Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Devon said last Saturday at the club meeting that he could see ground where the layout was to go, said he could probably get some done. Dunno what’s holding him up.

Blue Falcon, who, me? (

Aw, he (thinks he) has plenty of time. I am still thinking that he ends up pulling an all nighter, the night before, so that he is ready for the open house

Were back …

OK I see the peanut gallery is restless as the grass is now showing on most of my yard. Today I did a little rail faning on the St Maries River Railroad and then the brakes on my car. But I promise tomorrow I will get to work. First u is to clean the shop and make the bench work for the Wye. Hopefully that will get done this weekend.

The wye is a pivotal part of this thing. As you are all aware a wye takes up some real estate. Between the yard cabinet and the wye all the rest of the bench work builds off of it. My plan is to lay up the wye where ever I can find room and build the bench work to fit it. then I will know where it fits in the layout. It becomes uber critical between the wye and the yard. It is the limiting factor on switch arraignment between the two. I am making the five way but I really don’t like it. It just doesn’t look good. If there is room a series of #4 switches would be better. but that takes up room I may not have. A five way stub is also in the mix. So the position of the wye is critical. And it isn’t negotiable. It has to go where it has to go.

By the end of the weekend I hope to do the next article. Kinda where we left of and where we need to go. One thing I know is that I have a crap load of dirt and work still to move.


Where are the pictures?

Devon I will let you provide the text.


Is it done yet? Or are you too busy rail-fanning a (gulp) diesel powered railroad?

July is getting closer.

August. . .I have til August. No its not done and I am not overly happy about it. I ran into a brick wall today and gave up early. Yesterday I got almost all of the shop cleaned. Just a little to go. But today was one of those life got int the way days. Still is. I am multi tasking but one of my tasks is not my railroad

The title of this thread is “Building the CR&N Deadline July 2017”

So by your own choosing you have until the last day of July 2017, not August. (

Joe, since we didn’t see track on this thread until what page? Since Devon has a master plan, instead of simple loop he will add onto in stages. And since he is easily sidetracked onto other projects. I am afraid that there is barely enough time for him to get a majority of the plan in place.

Ye of little faith. Now I am not saying all of the track will be in but I have no doubt I will have the vast majority of it in. And while the thread does say July that was because of a club meeting. But now I am on the schedule for August. I WILL have a functional railroad done. It won’t be landscaped and all pretty that will take years but I will have a layout. I am not as far away as you all seem to think.

Devon, I know you can get it done. But I also know that you can go off Devoning on other projects and loose time. The question is; what’s actually going to happen?

Wow Devon,

Now after 41 pages we have to change the title of this thread? (

*And next month we can change it to Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec or whenever!

Joe Zullo said:

Wow Devon,

Now after 41 pages we have to change the title of this thread? (

Topic: Talking about Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

It all started as a joke, well at least I was joking. I said that I would host the July 2017 meeting on my new railroad. The president of the club held me to it. And until November that was what I thought was going to happen. But another club member has the tradition of hosting the Julu meeting. So I took the next available date to honor my commitment as best I could. I could have easily pushed it further but I try to be a man of my word.

I admit that I have e real tendency to wander and divert my attention. But seldom do I miss a deadline when one is set (have oyu noticed in all of my Devoning I rarely say I will get something done by such and such time?). But when I have a hard date I usually do my darnedest to hit it. Most likely this will be done by July. My birthday is July 29th wouldn’t it be fun to run the inaugural excursion as a birthday bash? Hmmm maybe a new deadline???

I got this guys. Unfortunately winter decided to show up again and it is snowing. But I don’t think it will be an issue. The snow is still receding on the layout. There is some minor damage rearing its ugly head on part of the ladder from when the roof got shoveled but I think we are OK. I am going to take a weeks vacation very soon when I can pour concrete again. March??? By that time I should have all the bench work made and ladder made. One week that should all be installed. Then there is the monumental task of moving dirt and rock. I will bring in a five yard dump truck full base materiel in from work. But the rock hauling will be a slog. As the dirt and rock goes in I will try to follow with track. I have a fair amount that I can lay already once the snow is gone.

Stay tuned and keep your pants on. In my estimation the hard part is over. The cabinet and the house siding took up a lot of time. I moved fairly quickly once I was to the track base installation.

I am due for an article. When i can take pictures of the layout I will do a where we left off and where we need to go article.

My birthday is July 29th wouldn’t it be fun to run the inaugural excursion as a birthday bash? Hmmm maybe a new deadline???

That would be stupendous and not a new deadline! (

(have oyu noticed in all of my Devoning I rarely say I will get something done by such and such time?).

And that there is why I don’t set deadlines, and I seldom post something as a project unless its darn near done.

David Maynard said:

(have oyu noticed in all of my Devoning I rarely say I will get something done by such and such time?).

And that there is why I don’t set deadlines, and I seldom post something as a project unless its darn near done.

I don’t set deadlines and I am also perfectly content to put something on a shelf for another time as the urge strikes. I don’t mean this in any way to be rude but I model for me, no one else. I do what I want when I want. Its my hobby if I don’t want to work on a project and want to start a new one and have 1000 unfinished projects then who is to tell me I am wrong. Now as for sharing on here, well it s a double edged sword. When you model like I do I can understand people getting frustrated with all the ideas and none of the completion, I get that. People, me included, like to see things come together. But by sharing I get tons of help and ideas. Do you take the crap and share or do you just do what you do and keep it to yourself until its finished. I don’t know both have their merits I guess.

But also sometimes its nice to have the pressure. Wit this project I am glad you guys are riding me. I have a huge (for me) investment in materiel and time not to finish. I need the push, Having to prove people wrong, is a huge motivator. And I will prove you all wrong( I know thats not the intent, I know its a cheering squad not a doom and gloom squad. But if I think of you guys as the agitator it makes it all more enjoyable to get it done. Someday I hope everyone of you can find your way to Idaho to run on it. You will have earned it.

Edited to say deadlines can be great but they can also be a real bummer when they become a burden. My book had a deadline and i was unable to meet it. that was a major disappointment. It is making it hard to want to get back to it. So deadlines can be a blessing and a curse.

Page 42 and the first through freight is no where in sight.

Oh and about that book. Is IT finished yet?

And then there is your rod-less rod locomotive…