Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

David Maynard said:

Page 26 and the only track we have seen so far is Ken’s.

Nope David, I snuck a couple of picture of my track on Page 23(

OH NO! I just made the thread go to Page 27, ohhhh the humanity.

Dan, yes, you may have. But my point is, we have seen no CR&N trackage, for now 27 pages. My rebutt-all thread is still only 6 pages long, and there is more railroading in my 6 pages then in Devon’s 27 pages. But, Devon is getting closer. He is looking to build an 11 way switch, with some kind of remote control, self alignment feature and indicator targets, with lights for night running no less. So there is still hope we will see some railroad building before page 35.

Page 28?


On my 5 way switch (Train-li) I fabricated a barrel bolt out of brass rod and tubing.

Along with the black plastic tongue it holds it nicely.It was made to power the tracks.

I like the paper plate wire hider Sean. (


I use it under the rail joiners so when I drop them screws I can see them …(

Paper plates, napkins, rubber bands and paperclips. Wow, we is high tech here in da modeling world.

Dan DeVoto said:

OH NO! I just made the thread go to Page 27, ohhhh the humanity.

I stole this fair and square from Vic.

I didn’t even bother to file off the serial numbers.

Good job Steve a slight variation on the actual event…The Hindenburg LZ 129 blowing up at Lakehurst New Jersey, Herbert Morrison spoke those words as he watched the explosion. My Grandfather witnessed it as a Navel Officer in 1937.

Now back to our regularly scheduled topic.

Its almost mid August. July is less then a year away. And I haven’t seen survey stakes, a ground breaking ceremony, nor the first stick of rail laid.

I wonder how the investors are feeling at this point. There is no track, and the only locomotive broke a rod and is out of commission.

Its a very ominous start for a railroad empire.

Dan DeVoto said:

My Grandfather witnessed it as a Navel Officer in 1937.

Was he an …

or an officer in the United States Navy? That would make him a Naval Officer. (

Ha Ha Joe, you’re right. I was in the US Air Force, so I can’t spell Navy stuff. (

David Maynard said:

Now back to our regularly scheduled topic.

Its almost mid August. July is less then a year away. And I haven’t seen survey stakes, a ground breaking ceremony, nor the first stick of rail laid.

I wonder how the investors are feeling at this point. There is no track, and the only locomotive broke a rod and is out of commission.

Its a very ominous start for a railroad empire.

Sounds a bit like Colorado NG railroading in the 1940’s :frowning:

David said:

“I wonder how the investors are feeling at this point. There is no track, and the only locomotive broke a rod and is out of commission”.

I doubt if the BIG FOUR (Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins, and Collis Huntington) major investors in the Central Pacific RR 1861 would have lasted past page 3. Devon needs to sell more RR Bonds to hire Tony Soprano to keep everybody off his back.(

OK so I have some progress. I started the top of the yard. I used pressure treated 2X4s and cut wedges out of them that match the slant on the roof. this left the stringers about 1"above the peak. I made a down and dirt simple taper jig for the table saw.

After I cut the wedges I attached them to 1X4 PVC boards then put 1X6 trim around the whole thing. This leaves a 1 1/4" lip. I am going to 1X6 PVC to put the track on like in the last picture. By doing this I will be able to fill it with crushed basalt fines and it will all be held in by the lip.

Tomorrow I will add the materiel for the base. I am trying the method similar to what Ken suggested but I am taking a bit different route. Instead of the screen mesh and weed block, I found some stuff that is used for sun shade. It should pass water through it just fine and is a very durable materiel. If it works the way I hope I should be able to use only this stuff. We will see.

Huzzah! I see track. It’s a railroad! (

Oh my, I see track, BEFORE page 35!

There is hope.

Well I probably should just let you all believe there is track. That’s just sitting there to show the plan. Its not in place. But I should take a picture of what I have done with track. I have the 5 way switch about half way done. All the rails are laid. I have to cut the board to shape (I waited to see where the track would end up) and route the groove. But I am happy with it so far. Nee to fit it to the yard so I will know where the track will need to go.

But I think we will see track laying begin next weekend. I will have the switch done and the yard prepped and all my switches should be here.

Here is a link to Daniel Smith’s Facebook, he is Llagas’ switch builder, and these are my switches. My Switches

I think I will have the cash to buy the PVC boards I will need for the yard and the stuff I need on the layout side of the switch for the beginning of the bench work. This will allow me to lay all the track in the yard and give me the starting point to begin the bench work along the house. We need to finish painting the house also.