Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Dan DeVoto said:


No way out on the film camera thing, SCAN them into the computer!(

Dan, I don’t have a scanner. And when I was using film, I didn’t take many pictures. I told you, I am a cheap…fugal person.

Devon, I forgot, you are battery powered there. So you don’t have to clean the rail-heads. Running trains will do that for you.

Edit for page 25, and still no railroad.


Well what?(

The roof is on and top trim.

I am going to finish the trim and then I will build the top for the yard. I have a plan similar to how Ken does his bench work where I can make 2X4 wedges and then screw 1X4 PVC to the tops making a T rail that will sit on top of the roof. These will be tied together at the ends with some PVC trim that stick up about an inch or so above the tops of the tee. I will line the whole thing with some of the plastic fencing and then weed fabric over that all on the advice of Ken. Then I can attach the ladder to that and fill with ballast. This whole adventure is raising the layout several inches higher than I had anticipated. But that really doesn’t bother me it will be around 36" high instead of 30". Which in turn raises the rest of the layout accordingly. But when I am 70 I bet I will appreciate that.

I want to than everyone for their input on this especially Dennis for coming up with the two roof idea which I think is going to work great and Ken for his bench work advice. When its done I think this yard cabinet will be very cool and practical.

Edited to say that I am thinking that the top will more or less just rest on top of the roof. That way I don’t have to put any holes in it. It should be heavy enough not to move around. If I feel I need to then I can use strapping and strap it down like hurricane straps to the sides.

Well what?

Well, I was waiting for today’s, non railroad building entry, in this railroad building thread of yours. That’s what well.

David Maynard said:

Well what?

Well, I was waiting for today’s, non railroad building entry, in this railroad building thread of yours. That’s what well.

OK to appease you, I got a late start today because I had to go renew my drivers license, Nothing better than waiting at DMV for 3 1/2 hours. There is that better.

Did you put some thing between the concrete and the wood yet?

That coffin is getting heaver by the minute!

Crap!!! No I plum forgot. Thanks for the reminder. I need to go tot he hardware store anyway I will get some so I can fold it up under the trim.

Not to add more to your plate, but don’t you have a presentation or something that needs to be done in a month from now? ( making too fast of progress, and the thread needs to get to 26 pages…

BTW, I’m in the same boat… Redoing the yard landscaping, prepping the house for a repaint, planning a presentation, trying not to think about the upcoming school year, trying to find time to build a layout in one corner of the house…

Excuses excuses Devon. Round these parts I don’t think they issue drivers licenses anymore. It seams that you just have to buy the right box of Cracker Jacks to get one.

As for appeasing me, I am just a Butt Modeler, so my opinion just doesn’t count. (

Craig, the thread will reach well past 26 pages. And maybe, maybe, we might actually see some railroad building going on before page 35. ( I am not betting on it. (

Well I wasn’t able to get a picture tonight but all of the trim is on the cabinet and the doors are made. I think it looks good. Pics tomorrow. I need to get some hinges and handles and something to keep them closed like a slide latch. I also was able to use some applied leverage and lift the cabinet and get the foam gasket under it. So just some paint and the base is done. Next up the top.

We bought the paint today but weather is a bit of off and on rain so won’t be painting.

That looks pretty nice Devon. One suggestion, I know you already put form insulation under your treated bottom plate. That form insulation “Will Not” keep water from going under your structure. That’s the reason that the foundations of houses are always above ground level. Your box sits directly on your concrete slab on the back side. On that side I would put a good bead of silicone to seal the bottom from any water getting under it.

I can’t wait to see your new yard. Keep up the good work.

And still no railroad. BTW, I ran my Olomana, LGB outside frame Forney and my F3 today. Jealous?

Geee Devon

I would of had that kid strip that yard down to something workable.

Like remove tire,pallets etc!

Well thanks to Chuck, that kid has a good paying 40+ hour a week job. I lost my help but he is working and about ready to move out. I’ll take it. I do have a bit of junk that needs to be removed. That really should happen so I can begin to start to level things off. And so I quit tripping on them.

Another day, and still no railroad construction. You are down to about 11 months Devon.

David Maynard said:

Another day, and still no railroad construction. You are down to about 11 months Devon.

if he works hard and everyday, that should allow him to lay about 330 foot of track…

(a foot a day keeps the teasing away)

Tough crowd!

Perhaps it’s the student in him waiting to; Cram for the Finals. Y’know several all nighters and forced compromises…

I’m there for ya bud.(


forced compromises.

That what I want him to avoid.

David Maynard said:

forced compromises.

That what I want him to avoid.

A little of my building philosophy is in order. #1 deadlines are negotiable, compromises are not #2 I am not in a hurry to get it done, I want it done “right” not “fast” (both of those being relative terms) #3 This is not a high life priority, I have bigger fish to fry, this is leisure #4 Money dictates more of what I can achieve than free time does, and I don’t have much of either.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have not bought into the “throw something down and get trains running” school of thought. If running trains were the goal then I could see the argument. But thats not what my chief concern is. I am building a railroad by a prescribed dream for what I want it to look like and be. The BUILDING the railroad is not the means to an end it is the end goal. It seems to have escaped many that the enjoyment is coming from the build, from tackling the problems, from planning, from dreaming, and eventually it will come from running.

I could have a completed running railroad probably in three weekends. One weekend of shovel work to level and build mountains. One weekend to lay track free floating on the ground, and one weekend to landscape. And trains would be going around. But would I step back and be happy with what I built knowing I have trains running, not hardly. Or I can take a year and a half to build a railroad that is what I want it to be.

Keep up the encouragement and the teasing, its motivating and gives me great ideas.