Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

David Maynard said:

Devon, when my boss put me downtown I lost a lot of weight. Walking for work all day will do that to you. Now that I am driving again, my pants are getting smaller again. Its that darn dryer.

I used to weigh 392# at 5’9" I was truly a large person. I am around 270 last time I weighed. I was fortunate to have health insurance cover gastric bypass surgery. That was three years ago and I have stopped loosing weight. I haven’t gained any but I need to start exercising to get the rest off. Ideally I would like to get back under 220 and 200 would be great.

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

Devon, when my boss put me downtown I lost a lot of weight. Walking for work all day will do that to you. Now that I am driving again, my pants are getting smaller again. Its that darn dryer.

I used to weigh 392# at 5’9" I was truly a large person. I am around 270 last time I weighed. I was fortunate to have health insurance cover gastric bypass surgery. That was three years ago and I have stopped loosing weight. I haven’t gained any but I need to start exercising to get the rest off. Ideally I would like to get back under 220 and 200 would be great.

I have an Idea!!!

Build a Rail Road! (


Ha ha. You walked right into that one Devon. (

Sean said: I have an Idea!!! Build a Rail Road! (

Sean’s right, there’s a lot of bending over and walking back and forth.

Dan DeVoto said:

Sean said: I have an Idea!!! Build a Rail Road! (

Sean’s right, there’s a lot of bending over and walking back and forth.

I found that a lot of the walking is because the tool I need is over there. Now, how the heck did it get over there, when I was working with it over here?

David said: I found that a lot of the walking is because the tool I need is over there. Now, how the heck did it get over there, when I was working with it over here?

David, usually when I go back to where the tool was…it’s not there any more!!!

Heck, most of my walking is to go back where I was, hoping to remember what I went there for.

edit: wandering ,

See and this abuse and harassment is why my thread is twenty whatever pages. I make o e comment and the crowd runs with it and 15 posts later . . Well I did walk into that one.

Sean, as a fellow large person, 6’3" 290, I can understand how you feel getting up and down while doing railroady stuff, and about the tools moving, but as I am approaching 60 I am like John, get up walk across yard to stop , look around and try to remember WHY DID I COME OVER HERE, oh yeah , shovel. then go back and wonder, what was I going to dig? look around find spot where hole is supposed to be, only to then attempt to remember how deep, by then the shovel has wandered off and the whole cycle starts over.

35 minutes walking every morning lets me loose nearly half a pound daily.

the only problem is, each BBQ or battle with a cake i gain more than a pound…

There is a simple solution to that Devon. Start building a railroad. Once we see progress on an incredible build, we will quit riding you like a rented mule.

David Maynard said:

There is a simple solution to that Devon. Start building a railroad. Once we see progress on an incredible build, we will quit riding you like a rented mule.


I don’t think so!(

Sean, I was trying to spur him on.

So not only are you David ,riding this poor Mule (Large) but your using spurs … Man your one tough Butt modeler!(

Edit: to be just like Rooster!

Pete Lassen said:

Sean, as a fellow large person, 6’3" 290, I can understand how you feel getting up and down while doing railroady stuff, and about the tools moving, but as I am approaching 60 I am like John, get up walk across yard to stop , look around and try to remember WHY DID I COME OVER HERE, oh yeah , shovel. then go back and wonder, what was I going to dig? look around find spot where hole is supposed to be, only to then attempt to remember how deep, by then the shovel has wandered off and the whole cycle starts over.

This made me laugh. Thanks. And I noticed an alarming trend. We are in the beginning stages of a new club. In addition to the RRR we now have the Butt modelers, I see your member #2.(

David Maynard said:

There is a simple solution to that Devon. Start building a railroad. Once we see progress on an incredible build, we will quit riding you like a rented mule.

Now you sound like a politician; veiled threats and empty promises. I don’t think for a minute you or Sean or Pete or Korm or Dan or (I know I will forget to mention one of my sponsors) will ever stop riding me like a rented ass mule.

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

There is a simple solution to that Devon. Start building a railroad. Once we see progress on an incredible build, we will quit riding you like a rented mule.

Now you sound like a politician; veiled threats and empty promises. I don’t think for a minute you or Sean or Pete or Korm or Dan or (I know I will forget to mention one of my sponsors) will ever stop riding me like a rented ass mule.

He is learning!(

i never thought about you as a mule.

… a sawhorse comes to mind…

Korm Kormsen said:

i never thought about you as a mule.

… a sawhorse comes to mind…

Nah, even a saw horse is useful for getting work done. . .ZING See even I can crack jokes about my productivity.

It was a rough job, but somebody had to eat the miner’s lunch.