Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Devon Sinsley said:

Yu guys do realize that the only reason this thread is 16 pages long is because of all of you given me a raft of excrement and me having to defend myself, lol.


I know all about how time slips away, I am a charter member of the procrastinator club. But I have to keep telling myself it can and will happen.

Remember Devon, don’t let these guys see you sweat. :slight_smile:


I think thats kinda the point. They haven’t seen me sweat enough. . .I think thats the point they are trying to make. Maybe I need to take a picture of the sweat that has been pouring off of me (fat men do that even when its cold). I have been doing a lot of sweating there just isn’t much railroady type stuff to show for it.

I love the pressure. I need it to keep me going. I accept it (maybe not from David and Sean, they is just plain mean (

Devon Sinsley said:

Yu guys do realize that the only reason this thread is 16 pages long is because of all of you given me a raft of excrement and me having to defend myself, lol.


I know all about how time slips away, I am a charter member of the procrastinator club. But I have to keep telling myself it can and will happen.

Devon, someday I will join procrastinators anonymous. Like I said before, I see a kindred spirit in you, and I know how I end up putting things off too long. After all, why put off till tomorrow, what you can put off till the day after?

I love the pressure. I need it to keep me going. I accept it (maybe not from David and Sean, they is just plain mean (

Devon, I do hope you are kidding. Sean is a good guy, and he isn’t trying to be mean.

Well here is the steps I had to redo. I am not very happy with them. The previous version with the brick leading edge and face was much nicer looking but this should appease the insurance gods. We were able to “fix” one problem in this. The previous steps were no longer even heights now both are exactly the same rise, about 7 1/2 inches.

David Maynard said:

Devon, I do hope you are kidding. Sean is a good guy, and he isn’t trying to be mean.

I am absolutely kidding. I think your both great.

. . .but I did notice you left yourself out. . . are you trying to be mean???hmmm???

No, I am not trying to be mean. But I like to start a thought going one way, and then abruptly turn in mid thought. It confuses people. (

I dunno, them steps look pretty darn good to me. After the concrete sets up a bit, the variation in riser colour should tone down a bit. If not, a little concrete stain could even the tone out. But, um, ah, what about a railing?

Actually Devon, if you didn’t live so darn far away, I would be willing to help you. That should shed some light on my meanness.

Page 17

Devon Back to work!

It does need a railing. thats just one of those never got around to it things. They are planed for the right side as your looking a the picture. Hey thinking about that I happen to have a black smith for a brother in law.


I promise progress this weekend. I should be free and clear of homework by tonight. Nothing else is planned except maybe some fishing (nothing stands int he way of fishing) But I should be able to get much of the rest of the siding done. I even have a hankering for statring the yard cabinet even though that is not the priority. But progress will be made.

You have time for fishing …Uggggg…

Devon, don’t be hasty about the railing.

our townhouse is 22 years old, and i know exactly, what type of railing i’ll put at the stairs to the second floor.

… when i come around to that…

I never said I had time to fish, but nothing stands in the way of fishing. As much as I love trains, they would get dropped like a hot rock if they became me and fishing.

Korm, I have needed a rail for some time. But since I am on the radar of my insurance company I had better get one up. The thing is no one will likely use it the way the steps empty out onto the walk. But I do have a place for one and I do have a landing for them to us to step down. If its there then it isn’t my fault if it isn’t used. I just can’t afford to give them any excuse.

I have what may be a breakthrough. I have a young man living with me that is between jobs and is freeloading off of me with my blessing. I am trying to help him get on his feet. So I believe I will be hiring him to help me with the siding and the layout. He really should be doing it for nothing since I am paying his room and board but I like the kid and if i can help him out great. So maybe I will get some progress in the next couple weekends with his help. He is a hard worker.

Gee Devon, and once he has an income, you could start charging him rent. (

geee… not only, that you give excuses, now you start using slave-labour?

Korm, isn’t that what kids are for?

Well the “kid” is 21 and the paying him while he lives off me for free kinda rules out slave labor. And hopefully he will find work soon and be able to move out. He is a nice young man. And I think he will be a big help. But ideally we can get him a job.


I hope your kid takes after your wife! She seems like a worker …

You might get him to start moving some dirt, in prep for track work.

I bet the Railroads real estate still looks like this

If this is any indication Ya the metal your’e standing on …

No it now looks like this.

The battens are all in. The soffit area is framed in and ready to be boxed. in. We fought a couple thunderstorms and finally had to call it quits early. I didn’t go fishing today. That will happen though. I bought some pressure treated 2X4s for the cabinet. By tomorrow I should have the soffit boxed and the rest of the trim pieces in. That will leave shingles.

That’s an odd looking passenger car there Devon. What scale is it? Well, its nice to see you back to working on the railroad. (


Oh, a house.

Never mind. (

House. . .RR. . . Its a blur.