Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

John Passaro said:

Devon Sinsley said:…But there is not much reason to do RR work if I can not insure my house. I did do stuff though and I worked fairly hard to get it done. I had to remove the brick from the top step chiseled mortar, drilled holes in concrete block secured anchors made a curved form and had to figure out how to keep it in place and seal the crack and then poured the top step. I added the pleasure of doing the new piece to match the old by doing an exposed aggregate surface. Oh did I mention that I wrote a 12 page paper, took a final exam, learned to write the Hebrew alphabet, and take a quiz on it? Oh I might have forgot that I prepared a sermon church Sunday the 24th. Then there was the pesky 9 hours I spent at work Friday night through Saturday morning when I got a call that one of our reservoirs went dry without warning…

That’s all fine and dandy, but what did you do with your spare time?

Finished watching the last season of Gilligan’s Island, what else would I do? I got all three seasons for Father’s day; I love that show. Now its time to buy the box set of MAS*H.

I have to make spelling and grammar errors; its the only way I know Joe is paying attention.

the best spell checker is not to use words with more than two sylla… well, you know, what i mean.

devon, you’ll find, that hebrew is much easier than greek. (and not only because one leaves out some letters)

it is like legos. one adds given bits one to the other, without changing the bits itself.

it is similar to orwells new speech, or asian and south american native languages.

i haven’t got the slightest idea, in which direction the phonicians read.

but i know, that they didn’t write. they chiseled and pressed into clay.

john, i suspect, that he uses his spare time for armchair modelling…

Korm Kormsen said:

the best spell checker is not to use words with more than two sylla… well, you know, what i mean.

devon, you’ll find, that hebrew is much easier than greek. (and not only because one leaves out some letters)

it is like legos. one adds given bits one to the other, without changing the bits itself.

it is similar to orwells new speech, or asian and south american native languages.

i haven’t got the slightest idea, in which direction the phonicians read.

but i know, that they didn’t write. they chiseled and pressed into clay.

john, i suspect, that he uses his spare time for armchair modelling…

I don’t know much about the Phoenicians either except that Hebrew is a derivative of their language and that their must have been some “written” form of it. I do know they had an alphabet. But likely like you said they chiseled and stamped and didn’t really write. When did the writing come in to play versus when the Phoenicians were running around? But I might have to google it and see if I can find out which way they read. Maybe the Israelites stole the alphabet but when they went to actual writing changed it up. It would be interesting to know the evolution from Phoenician to Hebrew.

Notable features

Type of writing system: abjad / consonant alphabet with no vowel indication
Direction of writing: right to left in hortizontal lines. Sometimes boustrophedon.
Number of letters: 22 - there was considerable variation in their forms in different regions and at different times.
The names of the letters are acrophonic, and their names and shapes can be ultimately traced back to Egyptian Hieroglyphs. For example, the name of the first letter, 'aleph, means ox and developed from a picture of an ox’s head. Some of the letter names were changed by the Phoenicians, including gimel, which meant camel in Phoenician, but was originally a picture of a throwing stick (giml).

This was from a google search. So very much like Hebrew and sounds as if they did write. Same number of consonants (22) as Hebrew (depending on how you view the Shin/Sin thing). Right to left and horizontal. No vowels. Same letter names it would appear.

Boy this is a serious derail if we are talking ancient dead languages and how to write them.

how that? the same number? if hey had NO vowels.

if i remember right, in hebrew there are “o” and “u”.

which page are we on?

i mean, we are derailing big time now…

edit: and the “e” and “a” have their (common) letter too. something similar to “x”.

Well we have to make a distinction on which Hebrew we are talking about. I should clarify that Hebrew has 22 (23) consonants. Really old Hebrew did not use vowels, they came in a later iteration.

Hebrew evolved from a no vowel system to slowly adding vowels.


i just learned it, when i lived there, to be able to read the newspapers.

so just modern hebrew.

Devon was derailed from the start ( Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017 ) high expectations! (

Sean, I dunno. Once I got my track, my railroad was build in a long weekend. But I had the bridge already built, waiting to be installed. But the trestle was built on site with the railroad.

Korm Kormsen said:


i just learned it, when i lived there, to be able to read the newspapers.

so just modern hebrew.

Ah, gotcha. I certainly am no expert, I mean I have one week of schooling, but from the textbook I read Hebrew has an interesting past, as I am sure most languages do. It was even dead, as a written and spoken language for awhile. Early, early Hebrew from the days of Moses, Hebrew was just about as archaic as the Phoenician language. By the time of ,dare I say it, Christ or however one defines the switch from BC to AD or BCE to CE, Hebrew from what I understand had at least a couple vowels. And I guess today it is highly revised to keep it more uniform and instep with modern language. I got all that from one chapter, see teach I was paying attention.

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Devon was derailed from the start ( Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017 ) high expectations! (

Well I can’t help it if you set your expectations too high, I certainly didn’t. Yu better look at the top of your calendar my friend I gave myself over a year to build it. I think I am progressing quite nicely thank you. It takes a long time to prep the land and lay a foundation for a skyscraper before we begin to see it rise from the dust. I am laying a foundation. I know its not exciting and I know it doesn’t look railroady but a railroad is being built.

I am kinda thinking David is right. Once I get to where I am setting support posts and running stringers it will get more exciting and entertaining for my fans.

Sean just imagine going to a epic rock concert. Imagine what it would be like if oyu had to sit in the audience and watch as they are setting up for the show. you would be there all day or even two or three just to watch the exciting three hours of concert. Hang in there buddy, the show is going on and we are right on schedule. We have hit some technical difficulties (damn insurance company) but what show doesn’t. Trust me my aching sore muscials will attest that things are getting done.


Your doing great!

We just like to pick on you. (

Sean McGillicuddy said:


Your doing great!

We just like to pick on you. (

I know you do and I like to pick back. I know everyone here is just having fun at my expense and is speaking in jest. Many times peoples words are misunderstood as are others responses. I think we all know we are all having fun here. I certainly am not reading anything other than a bunch of guys floating a raft of dog doo doo my way.

BTW if anyone is meaning to be snide, mean, rude, or otherwise; well then sorry I missed it. Please try again so I can properly ignore you. Because as of right now I am only firing back friendly fire to those who I believe are on my side. So if I have somehow miss interpreted anyone’s remarks as being friendly when you meant otherwise then please by all mean clarify. That way I can give you a proper raspberry(

Devon, that’s the spirit. I don’t usually mean any harm, even though I do ruffle some feathers just having fun. But those who really know me, know that I am just an easy going, fun loving, goofball, that plays with toy trains.

That being said. Why hasn’t your track shipped yet? I would have to find out, after all you paid for it, so its yours.

It’s a new guy and don’t they hand build the switches? Let’s bank on; Quality takes time. (

Could be a while before they can have stock on hand as well as fill the orders.

God gave Devon Ins. woes to keep his mind off that! (

All’s good.


Actually Bryan is a great guy over at Llagas so far. When I ordered the track I asked how long to get turnouts. I knew they were hand built at the time of order. He told me 6 weeks. We are 4 weeks in. I did kind of expect the track ahead of the turnouts but it was not discussed and I now assume it will be coming in one shipment. I did send him an email a few days back and he said we were still on schedule.

I have been very happy with him. Excellent communication, fair pricing, and he gave be a pretty significant discount for spending so much. He also did me another favor for the build challenge which was cool of him. He responds to both email and phone calls promptly and is friendly helpful and courteous. I believe he might still be getting a feel for it but he is nothing less than professional. Of course the jury is still out since I don’t have the product, but so far so good.

David Maynard said:

Devon, that’s the spirit. I don’t usually mean any harm, even though I do ruffle some feathers just having fun. But those who really know me, know that I am just an easy going, fun loving, goofball, that plays with toy trains.

That being said. Why hasn’t your track shipped yet? I would have to find out, after all you paid for it, so its yours.

You have never once said anything that I didn’t think you meant well by. I have thick skin and maybe am a bit naive, but I generally assume the best in people. I also can separate a debate from nastiness. I can disagree with you loudly and still think your a great guy. So I can say you have never put me off by anything you have said.

Generally, I think when people are following along and helping and teasing its because they generally care about what you got going on. I can tell who is my cheering squad.

I also tend to like people that are a little rough around the edges. John C and I got off swimmingly over at MLS after he called me out and I pushed back. I think for both of us it meant instant respect. Heck I even like Greg (he he he)

Meanwhile on the CR&N …

All I can say is that is about accurate at the moment. Small hang up with the stairs. Will have those finished tomorrow and have the insurance company off my back. Wife is finishing priming the siding today. Wed and Thur I plan to finish the batons. Then over this weekend and next I should have the entire siding finished. Wife is on board for a end of July deadline on that. This pay check I plan to buy the PVC pipe and at least some of the PVC trim boards to begin the ladder construction.

Not that this will slow my progress but it adds to my seemingly growing list of concerns, We have been trying to nurse one of my dogs back to health. The vet thinks he had a partially torn ACL (the dog version, don’t know if thats what its really called, but thats how she described it to me). We were hoping he would recover on his own. He is a middle aged dog and not the most active so the idea was if he could recover the scare tissue wouldn’t be horrible and really wouldn’t effect him to much. But he is not healing and so I think it is time for surgery. Just one more thing to add to my stress level.

But I have to say. I know it might seem like I have been a bit of a whiner but really I am doing pretty decent. I know we aren’t supposed to talk about religion but I will say the Good Lord has been pretty decent to me in getting me through what seems to be a steady stream of stressers. I am in good spirits and am getting things done. I am tired. I feel like at any moment I could sleep for a day. But I can sleep come winter ( I feel good about the RR. I think I can keep plugging away and have track done or mostly done by the end of fall.

Keep the cattle prod charged. It does help having people gently nudging.