Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Well David, your first picture is the #4 locomotive of the said railroad and it’s narrow gauge. The second picture is the “S” curve trestle owned by the parent company of the Coeur d’Alene Railway & Navigational Company which was the Northern Pacific Railroad. The “S” curve trestle lasted into the 1960’s when it was finally removed and the old switch back re-opened. As far as your last picture, that’s something that takes place in Montana and come from Elk.


Oh, mountain oysters.

Thanks Chuck, that makes me feel better. Now maybe I can sleep tonight.


I needed a good laugh.

Devon, then I did my job.

Were’s Devon ??? I miss tormenting him! (

Shhhhhhhhhh, he’s busy workin on his RR…(

Ken Brunt said:

Shhhhhhhhhh, he’s busy workin on his RR…(

Funny !

I am starting to think that maybe, just maybe, Devon is a butt model railroader

i think, he is an oldschool modeller, like i am.

doing two minutes work a week and call that progress…

only, because he is younger, he hasn’t learned yet, never to put deadlines.

(best not even dates. or if putting dates, never to include the year)

If you guys only knew…

I can say that absolutely no RR work is getting done. Well thats not really true the wife is priming the siding we put up. But there is not much reason to do RR work if I can not insure my house. I did do stuff though and I worked fairly hard to get it done. I had to remove the brick from the top step chiseled mortar, drilled holes in concrete block secured anchors made a curved form and had to figure out how to keep it in place and seal the crack and then poured the top step. I added the pleasure of doing the new piece to match the old by doing an exposed aggregate surface. Oh did I mention that I wrote a 12 page paper, took a final exam, learned to write the Hebrew alphabet, and take a quiz on it? Oh I might have forgot that I prepared a sermon church Sunday the 24th. Then there was the pesky 9 hours I spent at work Friday night through Saturday morning when I got a call that one of our reservoirs went dry without warning.

Yeah I only worked a couple hours and called it good. . .I know, I know excuses are like @&# holes everyone has one and they all stink( I did check on my track and it still hasn’t been shipped. Does that count? I think I will be able to work on the lower step and put up all the battens on the side of the house this weekend. Maybe even get a start on the rest of the trim and shingles. This weekend is looking pretty good for me.

Keep pestering me guys, I do appreciate it. Nothing better than the need to prove people wrong to motivate you to get something done.(

July 2017 is rushing upon me way to fast.

Devon Sinsley said:

If you guys only knew…

I can say that absolutely no RR work is getting done. Well thats not really true the wife is priming the siding we put up. But there is not much reason to do RR work if I can not insure my house. I did do stuff though and I worked fairly hard to get it done. I had to remove the brick from the top step chiseled mortar, drilled holes in concrete block secured anchors made a curved form and had to figure out how to keep it in place and seal the crack and then poured the top step. I added the pleasure of doing the new piece to match the old by doing an exposed aggregate surface. Oh did I mention that I wrote a 12 page paper, took a final exam, learned to write the Hebrew alphabet, and take a quiz on it? Oh I might have forgot that I prepared a sermon church Sunday the 24th. Then there was the pesky 9 hours I spent at work Friday night through Saturday morning when I got a call that one of our reservoirs went dry without warning.

Yeah I only worked a couple hours and called it good. . .I know, I know excuses are like @&# holes everyone has one and they all stink( I did check on my track and it still hasn’t been shipped. Does that count? I think I will be able to work on the lower step and put up all the battens on the side of the house this weekend. Maybe even get a start on the rest of the trim and shingles. This weekend is looking pretty good for me.

Keep pestering me guys, I do appreciate it. Nothing better than the need to prove people wrong to motivate you to get something done.(

July 2017 is rushing upon me way to fast.

I actually see myself as being still on tract and on schedule. The goal is to have the prep work of the area done and most if not all of the ladder and track done by the end of the working year. That’s is usually late October or November. With the electrical in, the cement in, and the siding about half way the prep work is just about done. I have to plant a tree and that may well happen this weekend. I am thinking by the end of July the prep work will be done. Then I will be free to build the bench for the yard and start setting the posts for the ladder. That leaves me August-October to to get the ladder in. I might actually run a train this year. Especially since I have such an enthusiastic cheering section.

Just remember you have a “CLUB” meeting this weekend, the 16th, so I don’t want to hear any excuses why you don’t show up and run trains with us. You have been WARNED!!! LOL


PS see you Saturday.

you plant a tree…?

oh, oh, next you will want to write a book and make a son too? that wouldn’t leave much time for innocent hobbies.

btw, when i learned to write hebrew, about 48 years ago, i just used my left hand for writing. makes the writing flow in the “wrong” direction easier to master. and since it is no interconnected handwriting, but “printletters”, even the less flexible hand can do that.

As prerequisite for my Physician Assistant studies, I had to take Medical Terminology and Microbiology, among other courses. I ended up taking those two courses simultaneously. As part of the medical terminology course, we had to learn the Greek alphabet, and the Greek words that the various terms were derived from.

About halfway through my Micro final, I realized that I was answering most of the questions in Greek. I figured what the hell, and just continued on. The Professor had a sense of humor, thankfully, and gave me full credit. She said that was a first for her, though.

Korm Kormsen said:

you plant a tree…?

oh, oh, next you will want to write a book and make a son too? that wouldn’t leave much time for innocent hobbies.

btw, when i learned to write hebrew, about 48 years ago, i just used my left hand for writing. makes the writing flow in the “wrong” direction easier to master. and since it is no interconnected handwriting, but “printletters”, even the less flexible hand can do that.

Well the book is on hold until at least January and as for a son. . .well I am out of the gene pool.

Now the writing with the left hand might be interesting. So far I a have not had to write anything more than individual letters. But I could see where using the left would make sense. That makes me wonder if the Phoenician scholars were primarily left handed. After all from my understanding the Latin languages were written right to left top to bottom so one wouldn’t smear the ink because they were right handed. Does the same principle apply in reverse to the Phoenician based languages?


I am glad you reminded me.


I know about enough Greek to get myself in trouble. I recginize the letters but have no idea what order they go in. I can look the words up in a lexicon. I do understand sentence structure pretty well but only if I have help from said lexicon telling me what the word is. Greek is far more complex when it comes to grammar. I can translate Greek pretty well wit the right tools.

Hebrew, I hope to be about the same. I have no ambition of reading or writing either language. I can’t master English grammar, just ask Joe and Fred.

Devon Sinsley said:…But there is not much reason to do RR work if I can not insure my house. I did do stuff though and I worked fairly hard to get it done. I had to remove the brick from the top step chiseled mortar, drilled holes in concrete block secured anchors made a curved form and had to figure out how to keep it in place and seal the crack and then poured the top step. I added the pleasure of doing the new piece to match the old by doing an exposed aggregate surface. Oh did I mention that I wrote a 12 page paper, took a final exam, learned to write the Hebrew alphabet, and take a quiz on it? Oh I might have forgot that I prepared a sermon church Sunday the 24th. Then there was the pesky 9 hours I spent at work Friday night through Saturday morning when I got a call that one of our reservoirs went dry without warning…

That’s all fine and dandy, but what did you do with your spare time?

Devon Sinsley said:


I am glad you reminded me.


I know about enough Greek to get myself in trouble. I recginize the letters but have no idea what order they go in. I can look the words up in a lexicon. I do understand sentence structure pretty well but only if I have help from said lexicon telling me what the word is. Greek is far more complex when it comes to grammar. I can translate Greek pretty well wit the right tools.

Hebrew, I hope to be about the same. I have no ambition of reading or writing either language. I can’t master English grammar, just ask Joe and Fred.

I don’t think you have mastered using a spell checker either! (

Joe, I dunno bout Devon’s spill chequer, butt mine leaves a lot two bee desired.