Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Wow, I spend a couple days enjoying the holiday and Devon almost has a melt down. Hey Devon I have to agree with John about getting the exact specifications that the insurance company is requiring for your steps. Older steps normally have different rise and tread dimensions then what code is now. Make sure you check with your local building department, you don’t want to do this twice.

We did a lot of insurance work when I had my construction business and we always had to make repairs to the current building code. I even had to remove a sliding glass door from the side of my master bedroom because we decided not to wrap the deck around to meet it and the insurance company saw that after we were fighting with them after our original shop collapsed from heavy snow. He was just looking for an excuse not to pay for the shop.


I supposedly am getting this in writing. That’s what he said anyways. I will be talking to the agent today and will work through them to today to do as you guys recommend. I agree its a good idea to make sure they specify what they want.


All you need is a sledge on the old stairs ! Then presto

No actually that really isn’t the issue. The stairs are already concrete and they are the proper tread height and depth. The brick is only the front leading edge of the stairs and and the face. The rest is all poured concrete. I “should” only have to remove the bricks and pour a solid cement front onto them. I will drill into the concrete face and put in anchors and then make a form and just pour a new front face on them. That’s the plan anyway. That’s what the insurance guy asked for. I am working on getting it in writing now. I mean this really shouldn’t be to much of a problem to fix. I can see his issue with the brick deteriorating and wanting it gone. I get that. And so far thats all he has asked for. I will be making a call to the building department also. I don’t want to mess around with this. I want it done and done right.

This thing get more fun all the time. I just got off the phone with the county building inspector and he gave me some enlightening infiltration. First my steps are to code. The brick fronts are not a problem with them. IF I were to pull a permit and build them exactly as I have them built they would approve them. If they were to deteriorate as they had done all they would require is a replacement of the individual brick to bring them back to a save condition and this would be considered a repair like any other repair. As it stands if I replace the bricks with a concrete front that is maintenance and does not require a permit either. He just made the suggestion, which I was planning to do, that I epoxy in anchors to the existing cement so that then new face wont pull away.

So thats good news at least from the county perspective. Still need to make sure the insurance company is happy.

Well the insurance company just took a weird stance. So I asked him again exactly what he wants to see done to make it so they are satisfied. He assured me that a poured cement face was all they wanted and a picture of it was proof enough. I then asked him if I could get that in writing. His response “you have my word and my word is stone, don’t you trust me?” I said well I would trust you but I don’t trust anyone when it comes to a threatening letter to cancel my insurance. His response “your insurance is already canceled, so thats not an issue, the issue is getting it reinstated by the 22nd.” My response " but I can’t get something in writing saying that if i make the specified repairs that you will reinstate it?" His response " nope you’ll have to take my word for it. Its in the notes on the computer and my word is set in stone here. That will have to be good enough. We are a small company and have operated on a handshake for over 50 years." My response" Well I don’t have a choice so the steps will get fixed no matter what, and i will have to trust you since I have no other option."

Well that made me a bit nervous, so I called the 3rd part agent and asked them if they had heard any of this. She assured me that she had received and email this morning from him stating exactly what I stated so she has it in writing. I asked if that was good enough and she said it should be. She also told me they almost never have issues with this company so likely I am just fine. I do trust my 3rd party agent very much they have been great to me over the last 20+ years and my wife’s parents for longer than that. So I believe I am fine but just weird all the way around. I have had my home owners insurance with these people for 20 years, since I bought the house. I thought I had a previous claim with them but they said this is the first time in 20 years I have filed a claim against my homeowners. I guess thats why they are keeping me. But my agent said it will be nearly impossible for me to get reasonably priced insurance from another company with an open claim against me. Doesn’t matter if the repairs are made or not. They just don’t do it without paying through the nose.

Very frustrating situation to be in all over a stupid brick and my being stupid in not fixing the brick in the first place. Oh well thanks for letting me vent again. i will get my concrete poured and take my pictures and then get back to building my RR.

Edited to say don’t get me wrong I am not bad mouthing my insurance company. So far they have been awesome in working with me when they don’t have to. I am very pleased with the overall treatment I am receiving, just kinda weird how we are going about it. The fact that code isn’t good enough and he won’t give me anything in writing. I find that strange. But what I find strange doesn’t matter. Keeping my insurance is what matters.

Keep detailed notes of your phone conversations, date, time who, what was discussed, what was promised, etc. Almost as good as having it in writing. Especially the part about, “don’t you trust me?”

Good point Steve. I will write this all down. I am glad the agent got the email, I will need a copy of that. It sucks because I am kinda stuck. He is under no obligation to retain me as a customer. So he can make all the promises in the world and refuse to put it in writing. I mean I am free to shop around if I don’t like it.

I should have mentioned that they are not really canceling my insurance they are not renewing the policy unless I do what is asked. So this gives them the freedom to just let me go. They reviewed my policy and deemed that because of my porch steps we are to high a risk factor to continue to insurance us. So I really am at their mercy.

But I agree writing it all down surely can’t hurt. I just hope I am paranoid and all will be fine. I have a decent feeling about it but I hate being stuck without options.


It doesn’t matter how long you have been a “good” customer (paying the insurance company and making no claims), the first time they have to pay out on a claim they are going to screw you! Your rates will be going up. You can shop around (or your local agent can) but since a claim was paid out you are high risk and high risk rates will be accessed no matter who you contact. They know they have you over a barrel. I have been through this before. JMO.

They really do Joe, especially when that claim is open Frustrating to say the least.

Hang in there Devon, this to will pass. Remember who we serve!!


Chuck Inlow said:

Hang in there Devon, this to will pass. Remember who we serve!!


Yes Chuck it will. Just one of life’s many challenges and in the grand scheme of things its a minor one.

Devon, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you. (

Like the Gunny said, “No matter how bad things are, they stand a perfectly good chance of getting worse, and probably will.” (

Steve Featherkile said:

Devon, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you. (

Gee thanks for the encouragement. I need my armadillo hat.

Paranoia is right thinking, when folks are out to get you.

Well I have a natural distrust of lawyers, used car salesmen, and insurance agents. I don’t believe they are always out to get you, but when they aren’t out to get you its only because whats in their best interest is also in yours. Otherwise watch out.

Devon, ah…

I could add to that list. But I actually had a good day today, so why would I bring up my Ex now?

Are they done yet?

Ok, when I search for Devon’s railroad I come up with;


But why this?

Uh huh. You are right. I really don’t want to know. (