Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

I will have a more educated understanding of how to best waste my time.

Ah. Do I need to dust off the Butt Modeling thread again?

Darn, and I was so enjoying just sitting on my butt too.

Ok, I am cornfused. In this, and other threads, there is a new word in the lexicon, “Devoning”. This is loosely defined as leaving projects unfinished as one goes off in pursuit of another project. That’s exactly what I have been doing for decades. But for some reason I was crowned King Butt Modeler for my Devoning, but Devon, is immortalized with a new verb in the lexicon.

I am proud of my title and I am keeping it. But why does one Devoning modeler get to crown another Devoning modeler the King Butt Modeler?

I am not complaining, I am just simply asking a question.

Oh, and Devon, is it done yet?

Maybe the difference is YOU are running trains on YOUR railroad and Devon is not? (

AH! Oh! Yup, I can see that.

I think I might have been the one that came up with the term to begin with, but I can’t remember now…

This is how I see it according to my newly created LCS wiki-dictionary.


noun, adjective,

  1. the act of pondering, wondering, planning, and daydreaming about future projects while no longer is completing the current project of building one’s 1st outdoor railroad. Devoning will no longer exist when said person’s 1st railroad has been completed, and is operational. Instead, the term “Butt Modeler” will apply. See LSC dictionary definition for “Butt Modeler” for more information.

  2. Someone who is “Devoningering” is one who also compulsively post multiple threads every time one gets a new idea for a modeling project in his/her head but has yet to lay the “golden spike”. Not to be confused with an “experienced project designer” aka “Butt Modeler” :wink:

Does this work? :wink:

This is why I don’t create too many threads about my projects until I have some evidence of forward progress to show! Time to head back to the cold garage to keep making big pieces of plastic into little pieces of plastic so that I can make bigger plastic pieces. :wink:


David Maynard said:

Ok, I am cornfused. In this, and other threads, there is a new word in the lexicon, “Devoning”. This is loosely defined as leaving projects unfinished as one goes off in pursuit of another project. That’s exactly what I have been doing for decades. …

Maynard, just be happy that Daviding doesn’t have a ring to it or you might have been singled out.

Personally, I’m feeling a little queasy about making a lot of smart-alecky remarks (and asking a legitimate question or two mixed in) without starting a new discussion about some new work that I’ve been doing that hasn’t been happening lately. I’m getting to where I feel I should lose my rights to smart-alecky remarks if I don’t make a modelling contribution to back me up.

Craig it does.

John, I should also get off my Butt and contribute, but heckling from the sidelines is so much fun.

That’s pretty good there Craig, I think it hits the subject right on the head. No pun intended. LOL

Oh Devon where are you!!!

Chuck Inlow said:

Oh Devon where are you!!!

Out Devoning somewhere…as usual…(

Huh were you guys saying something? I thought I heard a noise but figured it was just a bunch of hot air.

I was out in the garage making sawdust. I am starting some new projects, Christmas present.

I am starting some new projects

Yup, Devon is Devoning.

David Maynard said:

I am starting some new projects

Yup, Devon is Devoning.

Yup…Devoning again :).

How about you and I try and finish some “old” projects? I have a cut of gondolas I should finish, and you have a rodless steam locomotive that could use some attention.

Nobody but me will want those for Christmas. Then again if I give them as gifts maybe someone will regift them and I will get them back. (

But I do agree I need to finish some old projects. I have the little logger loco that is begging me to work on it.

I like the idea of homemade wood gifts, I have been wanting to do that for a while, but never wound up with the time to finish before Christmas Making big things or small things?


See here

I will be posting soon as projects begin to be finished. So nice to have the Shopsmith up and running again and I bought myself and early Christmas present in the form of a Nova G3 lathe chuck w/ accessories. I have already made a Christmas ornament for my move it is being lacquered. I have a yarn bowl for my mother-in-law just about done, I am making a light fixture out of old bottles and a pulley, A shadow box for son’s girlfriend, and if I have time I am going to make an inlay picture for my wife.

Devon, and why does the wife come last? If you want to keep playing with toy trains, she needs to come first.

David Maynard said:

Devon, and why does the wife come last? If you want to keep playing with toy trains, she needs to come first.

lol well actually that is a good question. You see my wife gets all sorts of stuff that I make all year round, much of it she doesn’t want, but she is a good wife and it finds its way into our decor. This year she kinda hinted at what she wants and it is not something I will make. But if I find time she will get an extra present. So she did kinda end up last but only on the list of things to make.

AH. Ok.