Large Scale Central

Building my Deadwood, Black Hills & Western

I started a thread on another site, but I like to spread it around and show what I’m doing in case there is someone who might get some inspiration or even correct me if they see me doing something that might casue problems later. So, the following is an evolution of my railroad. And I will continue to update as progress continues.

This is an Autocad drawing I originally created for my layout. The mainline measure 160’. I wanted to keep my layout small so I could get it mostly done this year, because I wanted to get trains running as soon as possible. I will then expand as I go. Once I started digging the design changed, but that will be explained later.

The above pictures are after the first day of work. It is around the end of March so it is still a little cold outside.

After messing around with the grade I noticed that if I kept the over-under crossover then I was going to have a very high elevation (approx 4.5’) on the lower loop. I really didnt want my trains sitting this high in the air, so I modified the design into a more folded dogbone shape, and also relocated the passing siding. I did the adjustments on MS Paint so it was pretty crude.

This image shows the adjustment I made.

The above pictures show more progress. I’ve set the grade on the Mainline at 4%. I’ve also started moving dirt into place for the contours. The last photo shows the height of the lower loop. It is a little decieving because I have yet to put the fill in. I will put about 18" of dirt in and then construct a wood trestle. At the base of the trestle I’m putting a pond in.

Part 2





These photos are a little more progress. It was hard getting out to work on the layout because aparently we had moved to the rainforest without me knowing. These are photos when the rain was just drizzling and so they are not the best quality.


This a picture of the most recent change. The town will be located in the flat area in the foreground. I still have to put another siding in at the town.


This is the area where the stream and the waterfall will be. The town is off to the left and the mine is off to the right. You can also see some rock work I did to build up the mountain above the town area.


Another picture of the mine area looking more south. You can also see in this picture the area where I will build the storage yard under the deck. So far thats it. I have finished all my grading in the upper area. I’m going to start on the bottom area now. I need to build another RR tie wall and more fill dirt. I did plant a few ground cover plants in the upper area to get them going, but I will definately need more. So I’ll update as I go. Feel free to post any comments you like, I do have a thick skin…he he he.

Looks real good to me. Nice that you’re starting small and figuring out as you go, instead of biting off too much at first.

Hey Jake,

Nicely done. That’s a lot of mud. Welcome aboard, if I haven’t already said it. Thanks for posting the pictures. One question, why are you limiting yourself to one direction of travel?

Looks like you’re off to a great start. Even has some good ops available

Well…I wont always have one direction of travel and come to think of it. Since I modified the mine switch, again. The direction of travel wont apply. But i will probably orient the other switch in the town so that I can switch both without doing any runarounds.

I failed to mention that in phase 2, I plan to install a switch in the area where the “direction of travel” is and install possibly another town and sawmill in the lower part of the yard, beyond the lower loop. Phase 3 is to open up a branch on the other side of the house or possibly to the north into a mining district called “Ruby Basin” So, yeah I started small with big plans, lol. (Of course I have to get ok from the Land Baron, and she drives a hard bargin.)

yeah, we all know that.
the right of pl… err, right of way is the hardest obstacle, we face.

That is a nice start on your layout

Looking good so far Jake. That’s a lot of dirt to move. Glad it’s you and not me :slight_smile:

I noticed the large propane tank was relocated. Did you paint it black? I wanted to paint mine but the propane company said dark colors were not allowed due to heat absorption. The darkest they will let me go is gray, so I didn’t bother.

The tank was painted by my Mother-in-law, She didnt ask, she just did it. Once they found out it was too late. Its that old addage, “Do it and ask for forgiveness later.” But, yeah I had it moved out of the way (It just looks way out of place in my new mini empire) and got a bigger one. My new one is a cream color, but I have it behind a rock garden so you dont notice it.

As for the dirt, there is a lot shovel work. I do have a Bobcat and small dumptruck so I can at least get the dirt close.

Nice work and progress…

Jake Smith said:
I do have a Bobcat and small dumptruck so I can at least get the dirt close.
That's cheating! You haven't lived until you have unloaded a few tons of material with a shovel on a 90 degree day !!!
Jon Radder said:
Jake Smith said:
I do have a Bobcat and small dumptruck so I can at least get the dirt close.
That's cheating! You haven't lived until you have unloaded a few tons of material with a shovel on a 90 degree day !!!
Until we graded the side yard and put a gate in the fence, all material deliveries at my house went on the driveway, and got brought around the house one wheelbarrow load at a time. YIKES!

Yike is right. At least I can reach most of my railroad with the trailer I bring ballast home in. Going to pick up a load tomorrow and try and whip the railroad back into shape over the 3-day weekend. Stocking up on beer today before the new Gov’s sin tax goes into effect tomorrow.

Ha ha, is it cheating to use the tools available???

Welcome aboard Jake, your railroad looks great.

BTW it’s not “Cheating” to use the tools (aka Bobcat, tractor, etc) available, It’s just plain “Smarter” and “Easier” on your body parts. After all this really isn’t a young persons hobby (under 30).


No, it’s not cheating. But we’re still jealous :wink:
Welcome to LSC.
Looks like you’re off to a fine start.

Looking good. Cant wait to see more updates. Glad to see a new member to LSC.

Hey Jake.
well I’d use them if I had them.
Tools of bigness that is. “Man toys”

Very nice!