Time for a status report. I finally finished the nail-up jig and built a few test frames. Here’s an overall view of the frame jig, a full-size set of plans and a few parts and assembled frames…
Here’s a truck and a frame laid out on the full-sze plan for comparison…
The jig is used to position the spacers on the sill…
Some glue is dabbed on the spacers, then a sill is joined to the spacers in the jig…
A few air driven pins are used to hold the glue joint on each spacer, then the sub-assembly is removed from the jig, a few more dabs of glue are added to the other side of the spacers before moving it to the next area where the second sill is added and pinned in place…
Once I determine my pivot point or the trucks I’ll build a jig to assemble the bunks. I wish I had a dado blade because I’d really like to drop the bunks over the sills like Cale’s prototype…