Large Scale Central

Broke ground on the 'new' AV today!

It is/was mid 40’s and the show has retreated away from part of where I want to put the railroad, so I went out with a shovel and turned a bunch of miucky sod over (Only for about half an hour or so. Dang, I’m outta shape!)

Gonna go back out in a bit and go at it some more… pix later.

We’re waiting. :wink:

For pix of a bunch of clods and mud? I don’t work THAT fast…


so at last you found something you are slow at?

happy digging!

Good see you back at it. Cant wait to see what you come up with

Yes Mik glad to see you getting back outside again. And cant wait to see what you come up with.

So far I’ve ‘come up with’ mud, rocks, some broken glass, lots of crabgrass roots, a rusty screwdriver and odd bits of plastic junk



The track will come around the corner, go along the side of the trailer, loop around the bigger tree then snake between the right hand circle and the rock pile… probably a diagonal after that. The village will be by the little tree. I’m thinking of a preformed pond right by the corner of the trailer, but I need to stick my head underneath and see where the water and sewer pipes are first. I’m going to use plastic sheeting and those $1.20 8" x 16" precast concrete patio pavers for subroadbed and housing bases again. It worked pretty well before and was easy to re-level. I also think I’m going to turn the hitch into a ‘mountain’ and tunnel with a planter box on top. And Kim wants a hosta inside the lower loop beyond the hitch. Other than that I’m open to suggestions, lol

Cool Mik.
Always feels good to turn the first shovel :wink:

I keep hoping for arrowheads or old coins… so far, nuthin

Mik you can also build a rock wall/mountain along the backside of the trailer and along the landing by your front door. That way it will hide the sides of the trailer. You can also make a small mine coming out of the wall/mtn. Then put that pond in the corner with a small waterfall and you can have the tracks go over the pond.

It’s a nice time of year for track designing wether you’re building a layout or refining what you have. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the pics Mik. Looks like you need a tiller to break up the dirt.Track won’t be far away.

Mik said:
I keep hoping for arrowheads or old coins... so far, nuthin
8 or 9 years ago when I was excavating on the north side of my house - a proposed RR site at the time, the best I could come up with was broken bathroom tiles in an odd blue color (not used in my house) and a 1950's tin beer can. The can would have been cool, but it was so completely rusted that it disintegrated when I tried cleaning the mud off. BTW - my house was built in the mid 50's so this was probably a construction dump.


you’re putting yours down and I’m ripping ours up…we should pray for each other! :slight_smile:


The square and house foundations for the village of Kimberly were laid this afternoon $18 worth of block got me this far…


We have sun this a.m. but I’m waiting for the wind to let up and the temperatures to come up. I’m releveling as I install rail clamps. At least the rattlesnakes haven’t woke up yet!

It was 60+ outside this morning, so we played in the mud some more – until the rain finally chased us inside. For a spot that LOOKED pretty level, it sure isn’t…






It’s going to need some sort of bridge/viaduct across the front of the trailer, then maybe a BIG trestle down at the bottom end. On the UP side, once the ground drops away another 1-1/2" or so, I can run a second smaller loop to weave underneath. :smiley: Also, Kim wants some sort of low, slow growing juniper type thing to put where that left circle is (she decided it needs relocated, hooray!)… any suggestions?

Had about a half hour of light left, soooo… We now have a bridge to nowhere.


Finally someone gets it right! The town came first. Looks good Mik. With your statement maybe your town should be Slippery Slope. :0

Slippery Slope is when you start spending money $10-15 or so at a time… next thing you know you’re flat azz broke and nuthin much to show for it.

On the plus side, My ex agreed to give me back my old 110 gallon preformed pond, if I drain it and pull it up… That will save us a few bucks anyway. Now if she’ll just let us have the dwarf spruces too,