Large Scale Central

Boomer's Temporary Bridge Build Log

Buy 2X4

Cut 2X4

Too long? Cut again. Too short? Get next 2X4. Repeat as needed.

Rooster taught me everything I know about bridge building. It was a very short lesson but worth every penny…both of them in fact. $.02

Here is a tip for getting extra value from your hobby dollars. Take one of the pieces you cut too short and whittle one end down so that you can comfortably grip it with both hands. A few rusty nails or bent screws through the middle and you have a first class chicken womper. Some people even embed broken glass but I think that is just going to far.


Now thats a build log!(

Why is the Bridge Build Log temporary? (

Sorry Boomer you got it backwards Son, it’s the Rooster that does the paddling with the 2x4 not the other way around boy!

Bruce ,

Because the Bridge is Temporary

Because is never a good answer. (

8 Simple rules for “Womping” a chicken:

  1. Don’t waste your breath explaining “why?” to the chicken. It doesn’t understand complex logic, it just knows that it has done something to deserve such treatment. Save yourself a lot of frustration, skip the pretext and get on with the womping.

  2. The best womping is an unexpected womping. Approach the chicken while it is sleeping or on it’s computer. The look on the chickens face when it wakes up to a good womping is priceless so don’t cheat yourself out of that special moment.

  3. Make it a good womping. Any womping worth doing is worth doing right so put your back into it. Remember you are doing this for the chickens own good. It hurts you way more than the chicken so don’t quit until you can’t take any more. The chicken deserves your best effort.

  4. Have your womper ready to go at all times. You never know when a chicken will show up and deserve a good womping so keep those nails rusty and those screws filed extra sharp. I prefer drywall screws because they have such a large coarse thread and there is the chance they may break off in one of the chicken’s vital organs.

  5. Don’t stop just because the chicken starts crying. Heck it isn’t a good womping until it starts crying. In fact it doesn’t even count as a womping until the chicken is bawling it’s eyes out. Put on the big boy pants, harden your heart and make those chicken tears flow. Keep telling yourself this is helping it become a better more productive part of society.

  6. Concentrate on the task at hand. The chicken is a wily bird and will try to distract you with all manner of silly comments and ridiculous ideas. To drown out it’s inane cackling you may want to wear headphones and plug into your I-pod. I often find that inspirational music like “Eye of the Tiger” or “Whip It” helps me keep focused.

  7. Womping is a group sport so two or more wompers can work on the same chicken during the same womping. Invite your friends to come take a swing. All at once or tag team a good womping story makes for fine discussion at the post womping get together at the local bar.

  8. Womped chicken is good eats so don’t just leave it there to bleed. Pluck that sucker, smear any open cuts with salt and Cayenne pepper and chuck it on the grill. MMMM good…first cousin to road kill and of course it tastes like chicken!.

I am not sure this is a proper build log. It does include a picture but I am not sure a stock photo of a 2X4 counts and there is no picture of an actual chicken womper. Nor is there a video of said bridge in use nor is there a real video of said chicken womper in use. So as of now all is merely theoretical.

Were’s the napkin drawing

Everything is “only temporary”.

Quoted from Rule one. … “Save yourself a lot of frustration, skip the pretext and get on with the womping.” So the temporary bridge log should just be skipped I take it? (

Shot my first chicken today…scared the crap out of everybody in the frozen food section…

I love it. I needed a good laugh today.

As did I.

But I think I know someone, not a chicken, who needs a womping. The only drawback is I don’t believe it adds any common sense to the Wompee.


Here is the temp bridge before the upgrade to a pair of 2X4s.

Here are the new bridges ready for paint and installation:

The full build log can be found on my website in the track section.

You are all on your own for building a chicken womper…

Lou Luczu said:

As did I.

But I think I know someone, not a chicken, who needs a womping. The only drawback is I don’t believe it adds any common sense to the Wompee.

Lou, yes that is usually the challenge. Getting the wompee to understand why the womper is doing the womping

Bruce Chandler said:

Shot my first chicken today…scared the crap out of everybody in the frozen food section…

Did you use a .22 or double 00 buck?

Lou Luczu said:

As did I.

But I think I know someone, not a chicken, who needs a womping. The only drawback is I don’t believe it adds any common sense to the Wompee.

Well since the whompee also caused the whomping to happen, the Therapy soothes the Whomper with every stroke!

I need me some medicine! (


So, did you weather the temporary bridge? A thing worth doing and all… I guess it could have been sanded and varnished… Maybe some nice stain or flaming pink paint!

Eric Schade said:

… Maybe some nice stain or flaming pink paint!

Flaming pink paint. Eric may be onto something here. “Boomers puts his hand on his chin and gazes off into the distance imagining how cool pink bridges would look with his green rolling stock and engines.”