Large Scale Central

Boomer's Temporary Bridge Build Log

John Caughey said:

Lou Luczu said:

As did I.

But I think I know someone, not a chicken, who needs a womping. The only drawback is I don’t believe it adds any common sense to the Wompee.

Well since the whompee also caused the whomping to happen, the Therapy soothes the Whomper with every stroke!

I need me some medicine! (


Yes, I find it rather cathartic to beat the stuffing out of some thing that really torqued me off. But I confine such beating to inanimate objects (usuaully).

Gee you guys need to go out and split some wood! that will get the devils out of you!

mind you the time for wood splitting is winter so you get warmed twice…plenty warm enough around here today! Just make sure it is next years wood you are splittin…This years should already be drying in the shed!

Eric, I aint gots no fireplace. (

That is not the point… It’s all about the work(

Oh, so digging up the main drain-line to my house, to replace the broken Terracotta pipe, or felling the dead tree in the back yard, or repairing and repainting the porch roof, isn’t work enough? ( know, I aint 20 anymore. (

David Maynard said:

Oh, so digging up the main drain-line to my house, to replace the broken Terracotta pipe, or felling the dead tree in the back yard, or repairing and repainting the porch roof, isn’t work enough? ( know, I aint 20 anymore. (


Your starting to sound like Devon …


Sean, I said in another thread, that I see Devon as a kindred spirit. We are a lot alike.

But I never put any of my project deadlines in print. Except for the Mik build challenge. And I didn’t put those deadlines in print, those are just part of the rules.