Well, it’s time to continue the updates moving on into the Industrial Park.
Below is the west end of the Industrial Park… Starting with a bit of the river on the electrical closet door.
The shot below is from the east end of the Industrial Park looking westerly…
A close up of the building… This industry is serviced by rail on the backside…
After that comes the gray industry followed by the next painted building…
The painted builidings are all serviced by tracks on the backside of the buildings.
A closer shot of that building. Where the paper shows at the right will be another painted on industry.
Below is an overall shot of the entire wall… Phone did focus on the rail cars instead of the wall…
Since I gave yall one blurry shot, I thought I’d give you another…
This shot gives you an idea of the east end of the Industrial Park…
Will try and get some clearer shots of the overall area…
That’s it for now…