Large Scale Central

Bluestone Southern CEO Hospitalized

Hey All,

Andy Clarke went into the hospital with pneumonia on Monday. Because of other health concerns, it is real serious. He is getting the best care he can be given and Jane has the family around her for support. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Andy is in our thoughts and prayers.

Get well soon.

Our thoughts are with him. Hope he gets better soon.

Dave M

Bruce Chandler said:
Andy is in our thoughts and prayers. Get well soon.


I’ll second that!!

Andy will be in my prayers until all is well.

The LSC prayer train is pulling for you Andy!!

Thanks for the heads up, Ric.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Andy. Get well soon.


Joe Satnik

Best wishes to Andy for a speedy recovery

Get Well soon Andy from the Regal

Oh no!
Yes, will be in the prayers.

Get well as quick as you can Andy. Prayers are with you.

Allen B.

Andrè Schofield said:
The LSC prayer train is pulling for you Andy!!
:) PLease keep us posted Ric.

Andy, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jane also. Get well soon.

Henson & Reba Tittle

We miss you Andy - GET WELL !!

Andy and Jane your in my prayers. Ric let me know if there is anything I can do.

We pray that the Lord will grant Andy a quick recovery. Pneumonia is nothing to take lightly. My mom had it the first time several years ago and has had it a couple of times since. She has to be careful not to get it again. Andy get well soon.

Thanks for giving us a heads up Rick, we will keep him and Jane in our prayers.


tom h

Get well Andy, you are in my prayers as well…

Just got off the phone with Jane at 0730 10-08-09. Andy is still real sick, but the lungs are starting to work on their own and everyone is encouraged with his progress. We always ask if there is anything they need and she says all is taken care of. She really appreciates the thoughts and prayers.

