Large Scale Central

Big "E" Springfield train show

Big “E” Springfield train show sponsored by The Amherst Railway Society

Coming in January

Show stats Saturday the 28th @9am and runs till 5pm on Sunday.

Saturday January 28, 2017 - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday January 29, 2017 - 10:00am - 5:00pm

The Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds
1305 Memorial Avenue
West Springfield MA. 01089

I’m thinking of going Saturday Am , so Todd is going to lose out again! Ha!
To bad Larry Otis gets there before me even .
I’m sure members will add their participation …
I’t always fun to see every one ( even You Larry)
It’s always a good day!

Do they have any G Scale?

The New Hampshire Garden Railway Society will be at the show again this year. We have been given a larger space so we will have a much larger layout.


G scale is at the show with these vendors for sure:

USA trains

Jamies collectables

Pioneer Valley

Other vendors are there with G scale also.

The Mohegan-Pequot Model Railroad Club has had a G scale layout in the middle of the Young Bldg for 20 years. This year the M-P will celebrate their 30th year exhibiting at the Amherst Show. The Amherst Show started by occupying about 1/4th of the Better Living Center and over the years has expanded into the 4 larger buildings at the Big E. The construction of the Mallary Complex added thousands more square feet which the Amherst Show was happy to utilize.
Over the years the layouts have improved both technically and aesthetically and continue to do so.
The problems that LGB and Aristocraft experienced slowed the progress of G Scale, fortunately USA Trains and others have remained.
Us G Scale folks still move forward regardless!!
If the Big E had another large building, no doubt the Amherst Show would expand into it.

Dan Pierce said:

G scale is at the show with these vendors for sure:

USA trains

Jamies collectables

Pioneer Valley

Other vendors are there with G scale also.

There were at least three other dealers with G scale (Mainly LGB collections.). A museum selling an old LGB Collection (Yellow boxes).

There was also a small F scale layout. Availability of G scale for purchase usually runs hot and cold.


I will be there just to bother Larry!!

Also RCS of New England often has some G equipment for sale in addition to their RC gear.

Rockwall Canyon RR will be there on Sunday for some run time on the NHGRS (York-sized) Big Green. I am finally bringing a couple of my own modules out of storage this year!

I have been going the past few years on the Saturday and shortly after arriving I feel like wanting to shoot myself in the head for how crazy busy this show has been.

Think if I venture up this year it will be on the Sunday, I hear it is a little less crowded… and hopefully more enjoyable.

Less g scale items for you Vincent!(

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Less g scale items for you Vincent!(

Considering I couldnt get to see much large scale items at the show last year due to how crowded it was I will take my chances (

The weather looks better than previous years… mid 40’s for both days…(

Come on Sean don’t jinx us

cheers richard

I hope it doesn’t get warmer … Larry would bring the speedo!

I may make it again this year…check out the 7/8th scale layout by john Foley and Dave Newton. Also look for the full scale small steam locomotive out which the Boothbay Railway will be bringing, I think they will even run it on a short length of track!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

I hope it doesn’t get warmer … Larry would bring the speedo!

THAT is Not what I want to see

cheers richard

3 days to go. going on thursday so i don’t have to get up early Friday. Still have to make some boxes and a KD conversion.

cheers richard


Could you post a weather update Friday… like snow or ice all over the place?


See you Saturday!

I’ll try Sean but will not be till friday night. on less you want one thursday night.

cheers richard

Doesn’t matter. Just nice to know what you’re getting into!
