Large Scale Central

Best Railroading Work Gear

So… when I read that Al had dressed for a railroad related scan, I’ve been wondering in general, what is the best railway (or garden railway) gear / outfit you have, and where did you get it?

garden tri-kini (bald head protector, working gloves, shoes with nail-proof soles.

the rest depends on social circumstances.

While I was wondering about bib overalls…

This is my entry which recently arrived from Redbubble.

I think it subtly screams out ”I’ve been working on the railroad, all the live long day.”

Staying on topic here.

Haven’t worn them in the garden for a while as the tend to make my thighs look fat.


Some are not subtle…

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Ha! Bruce, you’re so right…

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For most of the last 2 months, this is me. After I cleaned up.

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Looks more like that reporter guy…um Peter Jennings. :sweat_smile:

EDIT: Oh wait, now I see it….

Hold on…

While I do appreciate Rooster’s fore-posts on nylons and high heels. I’m talking about, what if Rooster is right and his suggestive suggestions actually work?

I’m going a bit off topic here, and I don’t know about you guys, and though Herself has not complained, as we get older, there’s a chance that it’s just not as exciting in the bedroom department, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Just between us. Can we just talk about bringing some of that excitement back to the bedroom?

For the one track mind

Those interested in Southern parts

For the rivet counter guys, interested in technique

For those who are in a bit of a rush

Those still putting in the distance

Because it’s bigger in Texas

When you need a bit of Oooh La La!

Those dealing with frigidity

Stiff upper lip

Kiwi Style

For those focused on that triangular patch

And those who ignore the signs… “Do not Hump”

I guess the question comes into play : “What if :rooster: is wrong”?

Then what ??

It’s a bit late to be playing chicken, now. :shushing_face:

i’m getting suspicious, that the Borg are taking over.
“Bill Hines” can’t be a single person. that must be a whole colective.
working three shifts on the layout, writing and reading on the forum, searching (and finding!) links for everything, posssibly doing other more mundane things, like eating, working and sleeping…
i think that colective must have at least three or four controled bodies.

It’s been raining Korm.

Korms don’t rain - they fall.

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Back in the days when I ran and fired for the W,K&S tourist railroad, I would give the strongest favoritism to two pieces of wearable gear.
The first were my steel-toed work boots. When working with heavy tools and around toe-stubbing rails and other ground-based obstacles, they saved me from grief more than once.
The second was a hard hat. When oiling and greasing the locomotives, it saved me from banging my head many times. Problem is, one tends to look where they are lubricating, not at the air tanks, foot rails, etc. directly above one’s head!
Did not wear the hard hat to fire and run, but it saved me headaches when lubricating.

Best, David Meashey

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David, we’d love to a pic or two if you have them.

Sorry Cliff;

That was 47 years ago now. I’m afraid those items are long gone. The boots wore out in the Bellevue, Ohio N&W hump yard during the 1978 clerks’ strike. Not sure where the hard hat is now, but it came emblazoned with a Mack bulldog.

Regards, David Meashey

It took me a while, but I found this picture of the best railroading work gear.I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.bmp (1.9 MB)


Why would not the picture show up? I thought I uploaded it from my PC.

It’s coming across as a download here, Lou. I’m finding copy and paste works well here on an open picture if you don’t find a work around.

EDIT: You must have triggered the NSFW setting. :upside_down_face: