Large Scale Central

Benchwork at Franklin Falls

Today I started the benchwork for the eastern terminus (to this point) of the RR. It sits in the 6-7 foot wide space behind Burke yard (the current western terminus). This will allow true point-to-point operation, but still leave an escape for roundy-roundy while sitting in the yard sipping a favorite beverage.

You can just barely make out the string line against the fence. This is a level line, and will be the final level of the benchwork.


Looking good. What’s the final elevation of the benchwork?

Its about 22" on the right, and maybe 12" on the left, give or take an inch. About the same as the benchwork at Burke.

Nice. I guess it will be about the same height as Burke Yard? That should be easy enough to reach.



Yep, its about the same height, but maybe 4" lower since the yard slopes away there. After I get the legs and bench top on, Ill do a few height experiments with cars, and all. I can raise it about another 1 1/2 and have the approach from the upper loop be on a grade instead of flat.

Just don’t short yourself on yard trackage. Burke gets a bit crowded at times…:wink:

This should relieve that a bit.

Love it Bob! It looks so operational! :slight_smile:

Decked and done for this season.



done for the season??? looks good, btw… :slight_smile:

I need about 9 switches now, gotta make/buy them over the winter, and connect this to the mainline. Probably only do some rockwork on the approach.

ok, your excused… :slight_smile: 9 switches are going to take a little time to build…

Took some of the “to be rebuild” switches from the shop to see about sizing for the yard. These aren’t quite in the right position, since I need a switch tail. I’m thinking that a single-ended yard here, due to the length.



And a piece of spline screwed to the existing benchwork approaching Burke, which will be the approach to Franklin Falls. The bridge will be at the end of the spline there.




The existing step-over will move about 3 feet, about centered in that gap where the last photo is. That flat shrubby thing will get moved somewhere.