What a beautiful day today. Low humidity and low temperatures - very unusual for August in Northern Virginia. To top it off, Bart came by for an operating session. He told his wife that he was really here for his brother’s wedding, but I’m sure that was just the cover story. I had the live steam Shay running when Bart arrived.
Not only that, but I had the cars and locomotives out so he could run Train #2 out of Green Springs.
Bart wasn’t familiar with the route but he adapted quickly. Later, he did complain about not blocking the train out of the yard - he had some tricky switching to do in Jackson. Naturally, he chose the Shay to lead the train.
The yard switching was pretty straight forward.
I basically served as the switch man, while part was engineer. He also directed my actions. It was similar to my earlier posted run, but there were enough differences to make it even more challenging. What a great day. I was very pleased to find that my layout design allowed the two of us to conduct a great operating session. At the end of the session, we ran the train back to the yard and put the cars back in the yard. For clean up, we each took a locomotive and pulled the cars back to Matheson Textiles - my storage shed. Lots of fun operating trains!