Large Scale Central

Back to School Challenge?

Joe Zullo said:

Glad to help. For an aspiring author the proper use of the language is essential.


You are absolutely correct. Two things I have always struggled with is spelling and correct word usage. Especially in casual writing such as these forums I get lazy and my poor word usage shows. Spell check catches most of the spelling errors but it doesn’t know which form of a word I want to use. As a writer, both as a budding author and as a graduate student, I rely way too heavily on the spelling and grammar check of MS products. I have been complimented in my writing ability and style by many professors, I even challenged a English composition class and passed out of it believe it or not. If my professors only new how bad my spelling and word usage was they may not be as complimentary.

So at least when it comes to me please feel free to police away.

I’m always amused at the arrogance of Bill Gates autocorrect. He can really screw the pooch.

Steve Featherkile said:

I’m always amused at the arrogance of Bill Gates autocorrect. He can really screw the pooch.

that is so true

I’m sort of known, and frowned at for trying to aid people by casually, pointing out mistakes in the use of forms of "Your; You are; and You’re, To; Too; and two, to say nothing of other common flubs…all corrections are passed on, with the hope of helping “Friends” to take more pride in their writing habits.

I run the risk, by being just an average person, a human being like everyone else, prone to making my own spelling mistakes. I also run the risk of being “Corrected” by the “Spell Checker”, when I fall into the trap of using the Canadian/British spelling of some words.

Colour, and Neighbour, are two, that many will call me on…but as a child, I was taught that way of spelling…

Times do change and the “American Way” is found to be easier by some, considered “Lazy” by others, and accepted by others.

Please accept, that I mean no disrespect, when I offer spelling corrections. I appreciate when someone corrects me.



I’m on your side and for the same reasons. (

Just as I have said to Joe and you in the past. I have always appreciated your (not you’re) input. It is welcome in my camp.

Devon Sinsley said:

Just as I have said to Joe and you in the past. I have always appreciated your (not you’re) input. It is welcome in my camp.


You’re coming along nicely! (

Well, as you students were trying to figure things out, I was able to graduate (sorry guys…couldn’t resist the fun). I was able to FINALLY complete a project that has been on the ‘project list’, but kept on getting bumped down the list because of all the other new projects.

There are the final two cars that I needed to restore:


now after:

(I want to thank CapeCod Todd for his GR article. It pushed me to finish this project and make the open air car.)

Now, what’s next? oh yeah, finish the sensors for my son’s N-scale layout - just finished turning a tennis racket fly zapper into a static grass applicator. I got to make room for some large scale projects…hmm maybe work on the plans for a pull out bridge…inspired by Kevin Strong’s GR article - thanks a lot Kevin :slight_smile:









.oh, oh.

Matt, that was unfair.

you actually finished something…

now the rest of us is expected to actually do something as well.

oops. Sorry. I thought that was the purpose of this thread. You saw nothing and know nothing of me finishing something.


I have been playing hookey from school

Now that the club display is done, I have some time to dust off something. Now, where did I put my ambition?

Matt your open air car looks fantastic and you left the stove in like I did to extend the season for your passengers a bit. Nice colour.

Congrats Matt on your graduation.

Looks good. I’ve been busy trying to figure out what happened to all of my spare time… But I have been slowly working on my Snow Dozer build. I’ve got two side walls, and one interior wall finally cut out (now this wasn’t my original idea for this challenge, but think I’m ditching the original idea). I need to design some 3D printed parts as well.

So I guess I am going to work on the flat cars and caboose. I need to letter them up.

While waiting all darn day for our new refrigerator to be delivered, I only poked at the projects a little. I got the caboose roofs masked off and painted the tops of them flat back. At this rate I may get them done for next year’s back to school challenge.

With the rest of you getting things whipped into shape I figured I had better live up to my commitment. I finally got re-started on my Ruby bash and with good progress. This photo shows all my newly painted parts. To go to the thread and read more about what’s going on click here or above.

Congrats to Matt as well ! There is always one overachiever in every class! (

Ruby parts painted

Dang I’m feeling like I earned a “F” in this class… I haven’t had a chance to do a single thing. Good thing I set the deadline of Dec 31st… I will have 2 weeks off starting the 18th so maybe I can get some modeling done. (

One last modeling push before the chaos of having a newborn (scheduled arrival at the depot on Jan 17th, but that train might be early or late) and a toddler in the household.

Ha when the teacher can’t get the assignment done that makes me feel better.