Depends. If you looked at the broad range (ALL scales), and read just how reliable some of their crXp was, then took an honest look at LS, you might just have cause for a pause.
I have issues with mandated unnecessary components in ANYthing.
Then, when you look at when the prices jumped, well, an honest person would at least look at the timing and say “gee, that’s interesting”.
I was never a fan of funding product development by buy-in beta testing. How many folks had a 4-6-0 version 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?.
Now, after all that, you can buy version six!
Market research leaves some of us…puzzled. On another forum, long ago and far away, there was this guy who complained loud and long while development was underway on the K…stating that he wouldn’t buy one unless he could do all the work he needed without removing the item from the track.
So, we ended up with three screws holding the tender shell onto the frame…from the top. Okay, now let’s say you want to run outdoors…and seal the coal load…can’t. Two screws are underneath the coal load.
Okay, we’ll be careful…and six months later you decide to take the shell off, and find the water has eaten the slots out of the screws and you now need dynamite.
But, they met one person’s demands, right?
I am just not gonna be their guinea pig anymore.
I am extremely happy that there are some who willingly line up for the privilege.
But, we are back to the original question on pricing.
Look at the original outside frame 2-8-0.
Yeah, has some issues.
Got a lot of visible detail, like outside frames and springing…stuff you can see. Remember what it cost then, and how cheap you can still find them?
Compare that to a new INside frame 2-8-0, with far less visible detail in the chassis.
How much does it cost in comparison?
Add in all the factors mentioned, wages, shipping, raw materials, dollar dive…then look at what’s in the tender of one and not the other, and scratch your head.