Greg, Gary,
Barry contacted me back and wishes to extend his apologies for not finding a part number for the Bachmann trolly motor that matches the Aristocraft 3 axle drive block motors can size, shaft size, voltage and amperage, contacts, etc. and he believes you may be correct in the fact that Mabuchi may be the actual manufacturer of this motor, among others. He believes (if RPM and torque of the Aristocraft motor and Bachmann trolley motors match) that the Bachmann trolley motor would be an adequate replacement for the motors in the Aristocraft 3 axle drive. If anyone has the capability to test these 2 things and see if they are similar we may have a motor that can replace damaged motors in the Aristocraft drive block. Incidentally, the Bachmann trolley motor has a double shaft also.
Here is Barry’s comparison.
Aristocraft LD5FN 4412.OY
Volts Amps
Shaft length, .700
Shaft diameter, .088
Some motor shafts were shorter at .555 due to Aristocraft using different manufacturers of their motors.
Bachmann Trolley Motors (4 Motors Tested)
Volts Amps/Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 Motor 4
10/ .20 .20 .20 .20
20/ .20 .25 .20 .20
25/ .22 .28 .20 .21
Shaft length, .700
Shaft diameter, .088
Both housings are the same except for face plates/contacts are identical.
Barry says, if RPM and torques match, that the Bachmann trolley motor would be an adequate replacement motor for Aristocraft 3 axle drive blocks.
This may or may not be a future solution for motor replacement but it’s definitely promising.
Feel free to post any further comparisons.
If you have any further questions for Barry, I’ll be happy to ask him and post his answers here.