Jon Radder said:
Craig Townsend said:
First as any other magnet type device, a N/S pole exists. So how do you get around the problem of not being able to turn a car around? If the “B” end of the car all have N pole, and the “A” end have S pole everything works great. But what if I want to put together to “B” ends, or two “A” ends? The magnets will repel one another.
You are correct Craig. Using this system cars can not be turned. Geoff and I talked at length about this too. For me this isn’t a problem. I turn trains, but not individual cars.
I ordered a bunch, but the N/S pole problem could be a killer. The ones I make don’t have that problem because they don’t have the super detail that these do and I can hook them up from either direction. I have thicker magnets and the hose is flexible enough to twist to align the magnets corrrectly.
These look VERY nice, but you do have to make sure that all your cars are facing the same direction.
In an operational environment, that’s pretty darn tough, if not impossible.
However, I plan to experiment with mine and see what I can do. I may sacrifice some detail…