Large Scale Central

Another expansion thread?

I don’t know why, but I went out in this hot, muggy weather and added some more trackage to Hesperus. Getting itchy I guess. Anyway, got 2 switches in behind the station and came in to cool off a bit.


I like those switchback arrangements I’ve seen on other layouts and decided I do one here. It adds a little interest to an operating session.


This end will have a freight transfer shed, and the other end a warehouse.





Well, guess I’ll head back out and dehydrate myself again…:wink:

It’s looking great! Everything is so green, it’s hard to believe it’s August.

I take it that’s your freight transfer shed. I need to get me one of them…:wink:

It looks like you’ll end up with some challenging switching.

Love the switchbacks. Always adds to the hassle and that must be why we do this, otherwise we’d just see someone else copying real life and having all the fun.

Nice job building the switches.
Looking good.

Bruce Chandler said:
It's looking great! Everything is so green, it's hard to believe it's August.

I take it that’s your freight transfer shed. I need to get me one of them…:wink:

It looks like you’ll end up with some challenging switching.

Yea, it’s still on the work bench. The building end of it is done, just needs a roof.

It’s still green because we get a thunder-boomer come in about every other nite. Like now…which brought my butt inside.

Anyway, the track to the transfer shed is in…and the other end is layed out.

BTW Bruce, do you have any Accucraft brass 250 joiners?

All I have are aluminum ones and the foot on the brass is too wide to handle them.

I’ve got some joiners. How many do you need?

Maybe you can visit and pick some up? :wink:

Ken, nice switching layout area… It should create some fun…

Bruce Chandler said:
Ken, I’ve got some joiners. How many do you need? Maybe you can visit and pick some up? :wink:

I just may do that Bruce. I only need 4… Oh, guess what? I’m heading to Burke, VA on friday. Maybe I’ll stop by then,…


I’ll give you 6…in case you lose one or two.

See you Friday!

Here’s a shot of the transfer shed with the building and a start for the roof.



Ken Brunt said:
I don’t know why, but I went out in this hot, muggy weather and added some more trackage to Hesperus. Getting itchy I guess. Anyway, got 2 switches in behind the station and came in to cool off a bit.


I like those switchback arrangements I’ve seen on other layouts and decided I do one here. It adds a little interest to an operating session.


This end will have a freight transfer shed, and the other end a warehouse.





Well, guess I’ll head back out and dehydrate myself again…:wink:

DUDE! :wink:

Thanx to Bruce donating a half dozen rail joiners, I was able to finish the Transfer Shed siding and the (for now) warehouse siding this morning before it got too hot.


I may have to extend the siding a few more feet, but we’ll see how this goes for now.



And the freight shed now has a roof…a few more details to add…


Now that looks nice! I think there could be some switching challenges. :wink:

Looks good Ken!

Looks like the expansion is in full swing. Whens the first peddler scheduled?

David Marconi said:
Looks like the expansion is in full swing. Whens the first peddler scheduled?
Quite possibly, today. Since my TrainOps program isn't working right, I'll have to settle for the use of my "imagination" to get a switch list made up.

Nice work, Ken…

“Since my TrainOps program isn’t working right, I’ll have to settle for the use of my “imagination” to get a switch list made up.”

I’m surprized Bruce couldn’t resolve this for you. Have you over stepped the boundaries of TrainOPs and need to move on to RailOps?

Transfer shed looks great!

Ric Golding said:
"Since my TrainOps program isn't working right, I'll have to settle for the use of my "imagination" to get a switch list made up."

I’m surprized Bruce couldn’t resolve this for you. Have you over stepped the boundaries of TrainOPs and need to move on to RailOps?

Transfer shed looks great!

Well, Bruce and I discussed that when I was there, and he had managed to “fix” a similar situation on his, but I doubt I’ve overstepped the boundaries as my layout and Bruce’s are about the same size track-wise. Besides, any fixes he could recommend would be way beyond my capacity to understand. He does have a few more sidings than I do, so I doubt that’s the problem. I have sent the database to Bob for a resolution, but, as of yet, I haven’t heard back from him. Me thinks he’s been abducted by aliens…or something…:wink:

RailOps may come under consideration, but TrainOps appears to be what I’m looking for in an operating system. We just need to get the “bugs” worked out. It is still a 'Beta" program.

I bet he’s still waiting in line at the DMV…