Large Scale Central

Another expansion thread?

Now just wait a minute… Didn’t Ol’ Rooster tell us long ago about an outhouse pit in his back yard dating back many moons? Why not just remove the concrete slab covering it and fill 'er up ?

Jon Radder said:
Now just wait a minute... Didn't Ol' Rooster tell us long ago about an outhouse pit in his back yard dating back many moons? Why not just remove the concrete slab covering it and fill 'er up ?
I would love too's 27' deep and could hold trout year round with proper aeration. If I removed the slab I would have to throw a ladder down the hole and privy dive first! That hole has been there since 1852.

Sorry to drag this all but forgotten thread back to the surface, but since this all ties in, here we go again. The pond was put in with the lumber mill in mind. The mill building itself is all but completed, it just needs some interior details. Which brings us to the log unloading area.


The mill itself goes in the bare spot behind Russels and to the right of the track laying there.


This is all temporary for now to see if it all fits.




More to follow as progress continues…:wink:

With the mill in place:



Ken, looks like it belongs there… everything seems to fit in well… :slight_smile:


Looking real good Ken !

Great pictures, Ken! Good industry siding.

Ric Golding said:
Great pictures, Ken! Good industry siding.
Yea..............gotta have sumthin for the Shay to do..........;)

So where does it pickup the logs?

Ric Golding said:
So where does it pickup the logs?

Welllllllllllllll, I haven’t gotten that far yet. So to better explain it, I’ll show the track plan.


Since this is a bit different then what is actually there, the plan is to add a “Y” and have one leg of the wye as a lead to a lumber camp at the top of the flower bed. How that track arrangement will eventually turn out, I haven’t decided yet. That’s a pretty steep grade from bottom to top, so it may involve a switchback or 2…:wink:

That’s a pretty steep grade from bottom to top, so it may involve a switchback or 2…wink

Switchbacks? :wink:

Looking goor Ken. That scene will look great when you’re finished

Ric Golding said:
So where does it pickup the logs?
On the Kittatinny Mt RR. He just has tp lay the tracks still.
Shawn said:
Ric Golding said:
So where does it pickup the logs?
On the Kittatinny Mt RR. He just has tp lay the tracks still.
As long as ya got bluegrass playin, that'll definitely work............;)

CCLCo 11 works the lumber camp…





Nice. Where you been hiding that one?

It’s a Shay. Fred won’t let him bring it to the Invasion.

Looking good Ken

He’s been hiding the Shay. :wink:
Looks good Ken…nice train.