Large Scale Central


The hotel for anyone travelling to Ottawa for the American Invasion 2008" is the same as last year.

The Monterey Inn,
2259 Prince of Wales Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 6Z8,
The Dominion of Canada.

1-800-565-1311, or Fax at (613) 226-3813

 Just tell them you are booking for "The American Invasion 2008"

 The room rate is the same as last year; $114

The date of the invasion this year is: Wednesday July 16th, through to Sunday July 20th.

It’s writ in my calendar!

Next year!

This year!!! This is a neat event. Operations AND partying. It doesn’t get any better!



I always bring my best engineer with me, and we’ll be there this year.


I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone this year and hope there’s some new faces as well.



I’m going to try and make it - but it’s kinda iffy at the moment.

Steve Featherkile said:
Next year!
That's what you said last year....

Beautiful Canadian sunshine, warmth and fun. We got another inch of flurries last night, but it is suppose to be 50 degrees by the weekend. Spring is coming, I checked it on the calendar. :wink:

Ric Golding said:
...(snip)...Spring is coming, I checked it on the calendar. ;-)
So is Christmas!
Steve Featherkile said:
Ric Golding said:
...(snip)...Spring is coming, I checked it on the calendar. ;-)
So is Christmas!
......and so's the check.......;)

Well, I have an official piece to paper that says I was born, rather than hatched. Anything else I’ll need besides warp plasma?

(Seems to me it’s rather obvious I was born. Reptiles don’t have…)

Bheer …!!

Today, we are officially another month closer to the event. Plans are afoot (or maybe that is afeet) to make haste toward the northern boundary of this fair country and once again lay pillage to those unsuspecting soles in the Capitol of our northern Allies. (Background music plays “Gypsies in the Palace” and fades to black.)

…will we Canadians/Canadiens, without anything much more than a motely band of Sea cadets, and ex hippies, be able to “Welcome” the “Southern Hoards” in an appropriate manner…?

We may have to hire a brewery and staff from far off Belgium, to handle the situation…!

All we require Fred, is your presence, your back yard and the rest of that motley crew from the OVGRS…everything else just seems to take care of itself…:wink:

Tom Ruby said:
Well, I have an official piece to paper that says I was born, rather than hatched. Anything else I'll need besides warp plasma?

(Seems to me it’s rather obvious I was born. Reptiles don’t have…)

Mebbe some Bioneumatic gel to trade with the natives…never know when yer gonna need a spare plasma injector or some self sealing stem bolts…

Bart Salmons said:
Mebbe some Bioneumatic gel to trade with the natives...
Bioneumatic gels, eh? :D

Isn’t trading in gels what used to be known as white slavery? Probably get one or two of us in trouble with the old strife …

Chris, my lonely son…maybe this year you can find one hour of your time to come out and meet the “Invaders”…they would enjoy meeting you, and it would prove that you aren’t …and I’ll say this again…YOU ARE NOT another face on FR.Fred…a’ la…a Vogel with multi personalities…!!!

“and it would prove that you aren’t …and I’ll say this again…YOU ARE NOT another face on FR.Fred…a’ la…a Vogel with multi personalities…!!!”

Yeah Fred, like we are going to bellieve that. You’ll probably find some wino from a soup kitchen and bribe him to play your alternate personality Chris Vernell. Try like you may, I don’t think this will work. Many of us have met Carl and his tuba. :wink: Vic, Victoria, Vogel, Vernell its all a game between you and Carl. You get Chris to come over and we’ll all play along.

Thank you for the phone call, the thought was much appreciated.

Fred Mills said:
Chris, my lonely son......maybe this year you can find one hour of your time to come out and meet the "Invaders"........
I certainly hope to, Friar. I have the days off because daughter is going away and guess who will be looking after Asher. Now Asher, as his big brother observes, has two states -- "sleep" and "GO!" -- so I shall try to get his uncle to look after him for a few hours.