First off. I must say that the builds this year are the best ever. Mik is smiling…
With out further adooooo I’ll get right to it.
Winning a suprize box of good stuff that would make even Mik smile.
Congradulations John on the building the “Chicago Hardware & Foundry” yard critter, and keeping the spitit of Mik alive.
Voting was wild for the best build.
Best of show build!
Congradulations Eric on the building the “One Moose Powered” logging loco.
Winning 1st choice from the prize pool. And bragging rights for the next year.
The hands down winner for story telling goes to:
Congradulations Doc Tom on the best “Tall Tale”, and building the “B’ar Ketchin’ Car”.
Winning 2nd choice from the prize pool.
2nd Place in the build challenge goes to:
John Passaro for the Paymasters house that defies gravity. And third pick from the prize pool.
3rd Place in the build challenge goes to:
David Manard for the Bobber Caboose. And Fourth pick from the prize pool.
4th Place in the build challenge goes to:
Shawn Viggiano. for the Clockworks powered Swamp Logger. And Fith pick from the prize pool.
5th Place in the build challenge goes to:
Doc Tom for the GOVOL catching “B’ar Ketchin’ Car”. And Sixth pick from the prize pool.
6th Place in the build challenge goes to:
Vic Smith. for the Wallice & Gromett inspired Red Rocket. And Seventh pick from the prize pool.
WINNERS of the Add On Prize Awards (That I know of)
The nominees for the International Association of Roundy Round Runners “R3” Donut Award, “The Donie”, (pronounced with a long O); for best use of a round thing are: Dave Maynard “Bobber Caboose”, Terry Burr “LACRR 1701”, Todd Brody “California Experience” and Devon Sinsley “Madam Kaihla”.
The envelope please… (18 year old super model hands Boomer the envelope) and the winner is…
Terry Burr, LACRR 1701 “Where no train has gone before”!!!
Cale Nelson Awards 2 Fn3 Boxcar Kits for “The Best 1:20.3 Build” to:
Doc Tom for the B’ar Kethcin’ Car.
Dennis Ryan’s Custom built 'Rustic Building" for Best 1st timers Build goes to:
Eric Schade for the Moose Mobile. With a close 2nd to Devon Sinsley, and 3rd to Bob Cope.
Vic Smith will post the winner of the “Best Napkin Drawing”
Congrats to all winners and all that took the Challenge.
Winners will pick from the prize pool in order of their win. If you want to “Pass” on receiving one of the prizes in the pool then say so, and the next winner will pick from whats left and so on untill all prizes are chosen. I have a list of the pick order that goes beyond those listed here if it goes that far down.