The show was very well attended today with lots of G at good prices and not so good. It is funny how one dealer has a car for say $50 and at another the same exact one is $75.
We arrived at 10 and the crowds grew to a ridiculous mob but after 1 they started to thin out which gave us some elbow room to see stuff and some amazing layouts in all scales.
There were some new vendors and clubs with modules but there were some missing as well like the guy with all the tools. I heard that he got sick and couldn’t do the show.
I bumped into a few forum members there like Eric Schade. I recognized his handy work in a cool 7/8 scratch built handcar that was making its way down the track and there was Eric close behind it. I also met Rockwall Canyon Jeff by recognizing the 3D printed MBTA F40.
It was really nice of Sean and Dan to leave me some items and I scored 2 brand new aristo 10’ wide switches and a never out of the box LGB coke car featuring the polar bear snowball fight that I have been eyeing for years but it was always too much money.
All in all it was a great show.