Large Scale Central

Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show

I was at the show Sat around 8am.

I did get to view some nice items, layouts and friends!

I did see this purple people hauler in action!

Todd see were not all bad, as we did leave you some things!(

I did pick up some of the new Bachmann switch stands from Star Hobbies for $12 apiece, along with a Batt. from Don Sweet.

Fun day!

P.S. The beer was nice and COLD!

Glad everyone had a good time. I’ve skipped this show the last few years. Way too crowded for me. But I do miss seeing the layouts and all you train nuts.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the NHGRS layout. Show was crazy busy and there were a lot of people there on SAT. Not as much G for sale as in the past, but few deals were to be found if you know where to look. Sadly the show was down a layout as the Maine group with their helix system was not there this year.

Nice new modules from Stan and Deb on NHGRS!

I may have snuck RCRR #1789 into the ST yard for some fuel and sand while the yard master was distracted!

How convenient - The New Hampshire group was right next to the Cold Beer vendor!

“How convenient - The New Hampshire group was right next to the Cold Beer vendor!”

Convenient nothing it’s in our contract…

It was good to see everyone at the show. I lucked out and got a late 60’ early 70’s LGB Freight set with Growler engine for $50. I also scored some z and Nn rolling stock and a z scale set all for the daughter. There were some great buys out there for the LGb lover and the Aristo Diesel lover. I did miss the Maine group and their Helix’s. We should try to get the G gauge people together for a dinner next year.

Todd Haskins said:

HEY ! Between you Dan and Larry I’m always left the scraps ! Still I’m looking forward to the show it is a good take.

Todd, there was a lot of great buys on Saturday and Sunday even after we and other people hit the dealers.