After a great barbeque over at Doug’s on Thursday, we headed to the IPP&W. Jean and I arrived early to help set up the cars, but I first had to look around to check out the changes from last year. One of the coolest things this year is this switchstand…
It’s been there for awhile, but now it actually operates the switch into Nelson Yard! It’s neat to turn the handle…and watch this little switch operate. There’s a short briefing before the operations session and folks gather under the awning.
Left to right: Coin, Lawrence, Stu, and Bill
Left to right: Gaètan, Doug (complete with diet Coke) , Paul. Fred was presented with an IPP&W cap…but the back was lettered for the Rat Portage.
Left to right: Gord (hidden), Bud, Fred, Ken The RP&M crew gets a photo op…
Left to right: Ralph (seated), Brad, Tyler, Fred, Bud, Colin, Metin, Gord, Ken (far right) They’re staggering the trains this year, so I had a bit of a wait before we started. I wandered over to Craig Leigh and took a look at some of the cars there…
Carl and Roger were getting their live steam engine ready, while Ric used his live steam engine as a yard switcher.
Ironwood Junction is across the aisle; Spruce is in the foreground. Brad is hidden in the dispatcher shed…
At this point, Nelson Yard is empty. Nelson Yard is new this year and it’s a fun place to work.
Left to right: Jim, Paul, Bud (the Nelson Yard Master) is leaning in front of Gaètan… Gaètan switches his freight. In the background you can see the hole in the fence cut to extend the yard lead at Rat Portage.
To his left, Ralph and Roger work Firgrove Yard. Clamps are used for protecting the diamond…
Guard rails have been installed!
Ralph and Roger working Fir Grove…
My parlor car behind Ric’s live steam Shay…
Ric wanted this shot
- taken under the bridge…
Carl and John switching Bellamy
…more later!