… on MLS.
Even those of us who, for some time now, only read the daily suds ( as in “Mighty Large Soap”) will now have to register with user name, password and a valid email address. Apparently it is to protect everyone’s privacy.
Now that is interesting! I wonder if that will prevent someone from passing on his password and sign-in information to a third party? Will that varifiable email be tied to a certain IP address which the login-in routine will check at each sign on? Would that routine detect that I’m not in Kansas anymore, but that I’m really in Coldstream (wherever that may be )
But as we all know there are many “interesting” schemes being employed, sometimes by those who proclaim they will protect our privacy.
Somewhere in Dan Brown’s “Digital Fortress” a character worries “But who will check (protect us from) the guards?” (paraphrasing!) or is the fox guarding the hen house???
This will be interesting!!! Off hand I would say the moderators from over there will always know who still reads by the posts they get to read here. Now how are they going to figure the different names, passwords and IP addresses. I have never seen a more “creative assembly” of handles than on “Mighty Large Soap”.
While I’m on interesting subjects; the other day I received an email from LSOL about a lapsing membership or some such - it was from LSOL, so I didn’t pay much attention. Well, I would have been awfully hard put to remember my login name, never mind the password. But it said not to worry, if I wasn’t interested my entry would be deleted. I didn’t worry!!