Large Scale Central

Again, for the Third Time

here we go…

Nice to see you broke ground. Hopefully the third time is the charm. Cant wait for more pics. Remember keep it small at first so you can play then add on as time permits. Plus smaller is easier to maintaine.

looks like you have lots of help

This means I need to head your way soon with the rail bender :wink:


after this:

and this:

I don’t have any Glorious Over-sized Ideas left…looks like it’s gonna be about 25 x 15 and that may be stretching it a bit. Will be raised about 16" and will prolly use the adjacent “carport” to house locomotives and stock through a tunnel portal. Should be built mostly on the Main-Line Roadbed I inherited :slight_smile:

Geoff, they are there to help, but not sure how much it will accomplish…and it don’t really matter I guess…Kids-best gift ever!

Ralph, don’t hurry on my behalf…unless your coming to buy something :slight_smile:

Here is a scan of the layout that I inherited from a local Gent.


I’ll have to modify and tweak a bit, but I have the Main-line Roadbed to do all that is shown…and plenty of track to make it happen! You can see it offers 2 train running at same time-just what I need for the kids! Now, where did I put all that time I had laying around? :slight_smile: cale

You mean you didn’t put all that time in a piggy bank?

When will it be done?

Nice layout plan. 25x15 should be a nice maintainable size. Thats about what mine is and I have no expansions planed.

Is it done yet?

Looks like a start Cale. Keep us posted

looks like a neat track plan… Not sure the length of trains your running, but might want to ease out the “S” curve some. up in the upper right of the plan, if possible. It’ll be an interesting railroad to see built…

Thanks Guys…now the pressure is on.

Cale check your for sale listing. There are some things I would like but need more info.


checked grade today…super disappointed!! Hard to see here but this is what it will take in blocks to get me just a little higher in the front than the rear. That would be ideal, but I know there is NO way to afford the blocks needed, I was stretching what I have on hand. I initially thought that 3 courses would do the job, but you can see from the photo it’s gonna be no less than 5-Bummer


Looks like I may have to consider RR Ties, a little less desirable but overall it may be a better “deal” $$

Cale, Maybe split the difference and dig down the high side and fill the low side. Would keep it under 3 blocks high and you can grade the cut so it doesn’t wash on you. Work around any obstructions in the ground by incorporating them into your plan.

Dave, the backside is the floor level of the carport that is poured concrete (you can just make it out in the photo). So that level is set.

I may be able to get away with 4, but will have to bring in the “instrument” to tell, I guess it could ‘fall’ a little on the front end, but was hoping for a level surface this time around :slight_smile:

Wife just said NO to the RRTies, so looks like I’m gonna have to set up a collection pot to buy the brix :slight_smile:

Proverbs 21:19

Matthew (OV) said:
Proverbs 21:19
She only said no to the ties, not the RR...but agree whole heartily with the quote, fortunately I got a good one!

What if you dig out the dirt out from the high end. Just enough so you can keep the block at three high. That southern dirt should be easy to dig.