“Mom” says we have to play nice and observe the rules, which in this case means that we should save this forum for train related stuff. That’s probably sound advice since I’ve seen certain members go a little ape when the discusssion gets a little off topic. Anticipating this I’ll do the democratic thing and kind of tease the subject and let y’all decide if we want to chew up Bob’s web space to chat about it.
The backstory: On another forum, which shall remain nameless, a poster asked about mag-lev trains, citing an exhibit of same in Japan. Or maybe China. Anyway, in my response I brought up self-driving cars, which are the topic du jour. Nissan bragged they’l have one in just a few years and Mercedes tried to trump them by telling the folks at the Frankfurt Auto Show that their car drove itself 62 miles on city and country roads. There’s even a video.
I have strong opinions about this, having spent 50 years in the car magazine business, but if you guys say, “N/T,” or just yawn, the subject is off the table.