Ralph Berg said:
Shawn, The HLW 4-4-0 has the small drivers. The 1860’s 4-4-0’s had the large drivers, like Pete’s photos. Bachmann’s narrow gauge 1/20.3 4-4-0 is also a much later time period locomotive. Ralph
As of page 3 here, Pete, Shawn, Ralph, and I are all onto the 4-4-0. Agreed the driver size is an issue at various stages of thei wheel arrangement’s history, driver size is an issue, 'tho I wonder if you made an old one with large drivers in a smaller scale, could the mech be adapted for a more modern one with smaller wheels in a larger scale…
Alternaetly, how about an American with intermediate - size drivers? Or maybe a basic frame that could accommodate two (probably enough) or three (that’d be truly great) different driver sizes. You’d also have to get the pilot wheels sorted out one way or another, too, of course.
It’d be great to have an American that you could easily swap out the cowcatcher for steps and a coupler pocket up there, maybe the same casting could be used on the back of the tender.