Mik 2025 kicks off in only 30 days to go…
Plenty of time to hoard up on all things you might think you need…!!!
Stay tuned…
Mik 2025 kicks off in only 30 days to go…
Plenty of time to hoard up on all things you might think you need…!!!
Stay tuned…
Time to inventory our craft sticks!
Well I bought my Bambu Labs X1C, 3D printer last Saturday ($250 off) and plenty of UV resistant, ASA filament that was delivered on Sunday.
I think today may be the last day to get a deal if Trump institutes his planned tariffs next year.
Less than 30 days now! What will the challenge be this year? Checking my supplies I’m running low on E6000 and craft sticks. 2 weeks ago I was working on a project and my bandsaw blade snapped and then my mini chop saw fell apart. It’s a good thing this didn’t happen during the challenge because it would have been a set back of at least a couple of days.
I’m looking forward to the challenge.
Maybe, just maybe I should buy glue before the Mik Challenge this year? that is a really radical thought. As to the rest, well, what I can find is what I’ll have to work with. The problem is finding…anything…
I know I have been more or less absent the last year. But I’m in. Whatever we are doing im in. Can’t wait
Officially is now “15 Days To GO”
I bought another bag of craft sticks! We are ready! Whether it will be a group project, boys vs. girls, adults vs. kids, or an aggregation of mini projects remains “mystery ingredient dependent!”
On Behalf of Team Mueller,
I bought more glue. I suppose that is something. The odds of finding relevant modeling stuff are something else.
Let that not stop you! We fellow travelers at the end of the global supply chain have to show what is possible with beverage cans and foam packing!
This might be a good time to start planning on finding my work bench. Making Christmas presents so my train room is neglected
Half-built rockets finished and salvaged rocket parts reutilized in the intersticies between Christmas events…
…the tree will be coming down, the lanai repurposed, the parts bins ransacked, and the “gemuckabuckets” inventoried.
Bring on the MIK!
Eric, I’ll be enthusiastically watching Team Mueller!
Can’t help but ask though: Ever considered firing an Estes from a moving flat car? Vertically, of course. However, horizontal firing would invoke aiming as a function of car position… and identifying suitable targets…
Yeah, probably not. But it would be pretty cool to fire an Astrocam off a moving train though…
Eric Kidzilla, have you laid your golden spike yet?
Because there is a prototype for a historic moment near a rocket display…
ATK Rocket Garden Railway Historic Site… and if my search is correct… ATK is also an abbreviation for Amtrak.
Hmmm. Coincidence?
Gilbert American Flyer rocket car:
Yes, after loading on the spring power launcher, you could fire the rocket remotely. America Flyer had many different action cars. You needed to stop the train where the power connection was located, or have the button pushed as the train passed by.
The Gilbert rocket launcher Erector Set came with the same rocket.
Coincidentally, Kid-zilla was working on this earlier in the week…
We have talked about a rocket launch car, but there is no practical way for us to launch from our backyard and recover the rocket, even with ESTES 1/4A “mini” motors. In theory, we could bring a field railway to the park and fly from there, but our club’s launches attract attention that at times has appalling sense of safety where flying pointy objects are concerned and have been known to rifle through our stuff because unknown, unsupervised child felt he should be indulged to fly a rocket. We’ve never said no, to someone who actually asked, I would add…A train would be too much of an attraction, I am afraid.
Aiming the rocket is a no-go, even if we had the space and place. It would void our National Association of Rocketry insurance if something went awry. Somewhere, I saw a Youtube video of a guy who had a model Gustav that he would “aim” and “fire,” though the “rounds” I believe were pyrotechnics in the impact area. I am sure someone, somewhere, has actually fired a round or rocket.
Toys were so much cooler in the old days!
To launch a rocket from your train, you could go old school
and use a rubber band to propel the rocket from the launch car.