Large Scale Central

2025 MIK's Build Challenge

When I built my Pettibone Speed Swing, I used a HO scale Custom Finishing Model to upscale. The same model of the Ballast Regulator is about 3x the MIK budget. :joy:

Don’t think that’s happening.

I’ve got a lot on my plate this winter with the new shop, preparing for our son’s wedding that is taking place at our house and traveling 3-4 days a week for work, but I can’t imagine getting through January and most of February without participating in the MIK Challenge. I’ve got a few ideas of some simple projects that I can throw together with some of the scrap wood that I have left over from other builds so I shouldn’t have to mill any lumber and that’s good because I’ve moved most of my woodworking tools to the new shop and I don’t have power in the shop just yet. Been working on Mama’s shop. I’ve got a couple power blocks laying around so I may build a small diesel/gas driven engine for a work or an ore train. Time to round up supplies and get that napkin drawing underway.

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Actually, I was thinking of going more in this direction, but I don’t think I’m going to have the time as I am in the process of redoing part of the railroad. I’ve had to take out the tunnel and mountain next to the fence because the dog would stand on it and terrorize the delivery people could maybe jump the fence.

I have two ideas. Need to check if I have what supplies are needed. If health restraints stay low, I’m in!

Well, I move back on to my boat this evening for the next month or two, so no modelling for me.

I’m not entering, but I’ll use the “Wheels on rails” idea to pick up working on the Trackmobile again.

That’s kinda how I feel as I just started working on this caboose project and don’t want to loose steam.

I joined LSC about a year ago and watched the MIK builds. It looked like fun and was hoping to join in this year. When the challenge was announced “Rolls on Rails” I really didn’t know what I was going to build. But then I remembered we are adding a siding to our line for a blue stone quarry and we will need a flat car. Hmmm can I build one :man_shrugging: , so I have been thinking, sure why not. I have no truck but I have wheels and couplings so I have ordered trucks. I am going to give it a try. I also need a stationary steam engine to run a crane to load the stone, maybe build it on the flat bed?

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Yes the steam engine crane could be a load for the flat car.

I’m in. The first thing is to form a committee to ascertain what approach we should take.
That was the sound of the wheels immediately going off the rails!

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I’m in,

but I’m way out of my comfort zone.

…and yet inspired.

EDIT: OK less intimidated now…


The lanai is rigged!

There is a confirmed secessionist movement within Team Mueller…good for the hubby…bad for my wallet! Stay tuned…


What!? Team Mueller!?

Your Lanai is rigged?

Oh no! Good thing you found out now.

“So this is why islanders don’t trust their lanais… They’ve always heard that the deck is stacked against them!”

  • First Dad Joke of the Year! :partying_face:

Oh, is someone going to school on the main land, or different island?

Wayne, to me it’s sounding more serious than that…



Or, oh no…

Live Steam??? :open_mouth: :flushed: :astonished:

I was just thinking 5 different builds that Clan leader Eric will be footing the funds for :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1: :sunglasses:

I’d really like to participate this year as the winter doldrums have really set in. I’m having a hard time coming up with an idea. I know that I want to work in wood because I have an ample supply of scale lumber I bought years ago from Stan. I’ve also got plenty of trucks, wheels and couplers.

I mentioned this over lunch today while also discussing the “year in review” where the RV topic was highly rated. Marilyn suggested an “RV On Rails”.

At first, I really liked the idea so I went cruising Google photos for wooden RV’s. Most of what I found were teardrop shapes that don’t blow my dress up, as David would say. Then I saw wooden Tiny Home Trailers. Boxy, tall and narrow with peaked roofs. That just might work.

Not anywhere near as fancy as a Private Car pulled by Amtrak, but more like a miner’s shack on rails - but more fancy for glamping on a Narrow Gauge siding while watching trains pass by. Perhaps this is a business endeavor for the railroad, offering overnight accommodations.

I need to let the idea cook for a few days before committing it to a napkin, but I might just be in.

What about that old car that was turned into a library somewhere in Montana maybe.
It had/has a lot of character and was all wood.
It was posted on here some months back.
I thought at the time and guess I still do that it would make a great project.

I’d really like to participate, but don’t think I can this time.

Work stuff is distracting… after 32 years, I’m being “transferred” to a different company. Yeah, not relevant, but distracting.

On the positive (hobby) front, I’ve been asked to do a feasibility study on a tiny tourist railroad that emulates that which served the Sutro Tunnel, so I’m pouring free time into that.

I’d LOVE to model so many things that roll on the rail. But if it connected with my current Sutro or V&T involvement, it would be too much, because I’d want to go whole hog, and I don’t have the bandwidth.

For example:

  • The only successful underground steam loco on the Comstock: the Theodore (original research)
  • The side-dump wooden ore cars of the V&T (based on other’s research)
  • The convertible ore-flat cars of the V&T (based on other’s research)

Unfortunately, to do them justice, I can’t take any of these on. And, I cannot put any more hobby time into a new build effort. I have a couple freezing months until I get to the dreaded Trestle Project…

I hope I’m not sounding snobbish or stand-offish, it’s just that I’d like to participate, know that I can’t, hope you’ll understand, and hope you’ll appreciate that I’m up against certain historical passions.

Having said all that, I’ll be watching you all and appreciating your work!!

Best to all,

Is that like a bad word, this “live steam” thing?