Large Scale Central

2022 Large Scale Train Show

Cilf f
Thanks for pic hope to see more

Great pictures!

And on the other side, the room is ready!

For those interested, we are in room 420

The room looks good

I just made the sign a wee bit big


And one of the first to show was Cliff with his models.


Thanks for the update and pics, Cliff and Bruce. Those of us that can’t attend really appreciate y’all sharing with us. Bruce, I hope Cliff didn’t “Drag” those beautiful models in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Shaping up! Cliff Jennings

and Pat McCarthy

And we can’t forget Lou

That’s me and my good friend Steve in the 10th photo down. I’m in the black. I ran my WM f unit all day. It ran like a dream. All in all, it was a great day. I had a wonderful time.

And Nico with son Vincent

And Teya from the BTO

Cliffy pretty much covered the show photos, great fun day. So I will dump on you the Aikenback steamers day in the parking lot, day # 2 of steaming up in gale force winds which dumped my train over twice. But we are tough!

My WM coal drag

My logging train

A nice 1/20 freight consist

and some sweet DRGW flangers


Andrew Fitch, runs a YouTube live stream

Thanks Bruce and Jerry. Here’s a couple more from the DnB.

It was great to chat with Bruce and Jean, and Lou, and everyone else.

The group was small, but the camaraderie was large.

Here’s to a wonderful year now, and even better years to come.



I wear that particular shirt to honor the late Harry Hartman

Was great hanging at the D&B, renewing old friendships, the biggest reason I made the trip.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to everyone that
contributed PICTURES of the people, and the show, along with shots of the DRAG & BRAG, and its merry group.
I wish I could have been there…
Fred Mills

Bruce…if you went “In the hole” with the cost of the room for the D&B; please let me know (Off line), and I’ll contribute a few dollars towards it.
Fred Mills

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Not to worry, Fred, the hole is NOT that deep, but I sure appreciate your offer!

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Looks and sounds like a good time was had by all. Sorry I had to miss it. Instead, I spent Saturday replacing all the brakes and tires on our travel trailer in preparation for the trip to Ken’s.


It was a great D&B! Sorry you did miss it, but I’m sure looking forward to seeing everybody at the end of this month.