Large Scale Central

2021 Mik build Jim Rowson - Backwoods moonshine still


Just another piece of trivia for naming your “product.” I just finished a mystery by Rita Mae Brown. It is set in the present and located around Crozet, VA. The folks there refer to moonshine as “country waters.” Kind of sounds more genteel than moonshine. Anyway, thought you would like to know.

Have fun, David Meashey

Dan Hilyer said:

Very cool. Real dirt, real stone, real wood … how 'bout some real shine (

It DOES look VERY nice! (Yet, I still prefer the stuff that is aged longer than 12 minutes…(

Assembling all the bits and pieces. Still to do: prepare and place on the layout and a few little bits of weathering, a spade to be placed (i.e. stuff that nobody will notice but will make me feel better).

Too many pictures:

Reasonably happy with it. Yay!

How come they don’t get the “really good stuff?”

Jim that is looking so real I just have to ask why you didn’t put a match to the split wood you have in the firebox and burn it a little bit before you put it in the firebox?

Well shucks. Just plain never occurred to me, Hollywood!

Todd: this is a low rent district so they can only afford one X

Got the still out on the layout. Attempting to hide it from the revenooers. This is just toward Jasper from the rock fall outside of Durango.

Access is hidden:

A couple of shots showing how it relates to the rock fall:

And how it sits on the cliff:

And from above:

Too many pictures again!

Probably a little bit of tweaking but very close to done…

Is it time to get the Mason Jars out? …(

Jim, it even looks better on the layout, but the boys have raised a concerning question … where is their escape route? That hill along the back is obviously to steep for the revenuers to climb which lends itself to be a difficult escape route. Is there a hidden route through a trap door under the rocks that lets them go down into the bowels of the mountain? (

You nailed it, Dan (I guess). It is so hidden that I am posting a $1000 prize to the first person who finds the entrance!

Jim Rowson said:

You nailed it, Dan (I guess). It is so hidden that I am posting a $1000 prize to the first person who finds the entrance!

I believe that prize money is quite safe (


What a delightful combination of scale model craftsmanship and just plain fun!


Got a question, Jim.

The tree in the right foreground, Is this by any chance a dwarf version of a sequoia?

Every looks like it’s doing great!

(sorry about the derail)

Ken: Lemon Cypress

Great scene. The rocks are a perfect backdrop, it’s all tucked in nicely there like it belongs, I like the old-timers and I see an escape route between the rocks behind them!, and I’m really big on weathered and ballasted track…oh, yeah, the build’s okay too.

Thanks, Jim.

Todd Brody said:

How come they don’t get the “really good stuff?”

They just drink 3. From the looks of things, they’re well into the second X. (

Jim, that is awesome. I love it. The way you hid it is perfect also. Well done.

But I have to ask. You put the ground cover down with water and tight bond 3 which I get. But whats the dishwasher soap for. Never heard of using that before.

The soap makes the water “wetter” (less surface tension) so the mixed solution will seep more readily into the spaces in the dirt. At least that is my understanding.

Okay I had heard of using dish soap for that reason just not dishwasher soap. But I am following now