Dish soap is what I actually used. Brain fart.
Yours is a while diorama and what a perfect spot for it. I like how you can see just a peek of it between the rocks from the track. Anyone visiting your RR might spot the smoke stack and be curious to see what it belongs to and then they better know how to keep quiet. (
Great work.
OK, I’m getting a little weathering help from mother nature. Lazy on my part!
Well, look at this way Jim, she’s the master that we all try to emulate but we can never quite get there. Take advantage of her help every chance you get.
Since Eric raised the bar with his entertaining video, with Bernie!, I chose to make a silly little video of my backwoods moonshine still. Cheers!
Cool video, the only thing missing is the banjo (
An old smoke unit under that still would be cool. Give it some life
Jim, your diorama looks great, To expand on Devons smoke suggestion, here’s a link to a Campfire Led from Evan Designs. I got some of his Led track powered lights as well as Welding Led, they’re very cool.
Last few details (that nobody will notice except me) are done.
A shovel to get ash out of the firebox:
And a bit of weathering of the roof:
[edited to spell shovel correctly! sheesh!]
I just showed my son your still…he thought it was real. He was like, Wow! You can’t get any better than that.
Adding my “glamour” shots here:
The still area:
How it fits in the layout:
Cheers! It has been a pleasure participating with this fine group of people and modelers. Thanks, Dave T!
Jim, you need a couple of ATF Agents entering the cave in photo #6(
Dan DeVoto said:
Jim, you need a couple of ATF Agents entering the cave in photo #6(
And this is where you get him. I have one on the T&LB, and I don’t recall if I modified him or not. I may have him around somewhere.
Just for fun, I tried making an old-timey version of one of my still photos:
Jim, I think you were quite successful, great looking photo.