Large Scale Central


Bright lights are fleeting, it’s raining now…(

Yeah, John, all we’ve had lately is liquid sunshine. Got liquid moonlight right now (

Rough day, I’ll post my pics in the vote thread tomorrow.

Next Tuesday I go back on chemo.

Damn john I am so sorry to hear that.

Sorry to hear of the setback, John. Praying for you, buddy.

Well, shucks, John. Thinking about you.

The Art of Practicing Medicine … We keep trying until we get it right.

As I learned in my Bro in laws book, cancers mutate and mutations mutate without exact routes. The data base is growing and my case will add to the information so the next can benefit. I handled my first dose this time with ease compared to 8 years ago, so I asked for a full dose and I intend to continue the fight. I have a great support staff (my big sister).

Thanks for your concerns, prayers good vibes, etc… all are appreciated

I’m not bitter, at least God let me compete this year!( I had some fun and a lot of tedious mundane work,( but I too love the look, it almost looks as good as my mind’s eye vision!(

What a year, every model a winner! 'Cept Devon’s boxcar(

John here is praying you will be able to grace us with your expertise next MIK, super excellent build, Bill

So Devon asked that some of us finish…

I whittled some on a Taylor door. Built to last a lifetime, they are thick!

I want a Dutch door and when opened I wanted a truer edge thickness. My band saw wandered a tad, so there’s some white putty seen…

I’ll add a kick plate at the bottom to widen the new lower board. If I can find glass and time, I’ll pop out a panel or two…


When it’s framed it won’t need the prop 'er upper.

See ya.

What a cool idea John. I like dutch doors and never thought of modeling them.

Sometimes it’s a little change that makes us think.

One of my favorite Art teachers in college answered my What is Art, with If it makes you think, it’s Art.

I already pinned them together so it can be moved back and forth.(

I rarely built a kit as is…


OK I found my way back and during a brief moment of clarity figured out how to stone my floor. I decided I wanted more stone under the oven and furnace.

I wanted the non polished side and flat. The tiles are different thicknesses. When I set them up front, I could even them as applied. With the walls built up, no longer an option.

Instead of Duct tape I grabbed a roll of metal tape and covered the block of tiles I had laid out to fill the room. Then flipped them over and pushed the stones against a clipboard. Next was pulling off just enough stones to get the mass to sit flat in the room. Pulled out and pressed flat again, I dripped Monkey super glue on all the joints and let it set. When I pulled off the tape I have the floor sought. Silt will fill the gaps and time slips away.

Details have been removed to protect the vulnerable, all are safe and seeking to return…


The Office portion is getting a wood floor and shelving for the bottles. The Chiminey’s 2nd coat of paint was yellow ocher, broken roof boards and bits of tar paper … to tease.

The beat goes on!

Gorgeous John. It really is very rustic looking and I think you are totally pulling off the prototype picture. Very nice work

Really an amazing piece of work

John I see wood. What are you going to roof this beauty with. Given that you live in a sand blaster/blast furnace what will hold up long term? I am glad I don’t have such woes.

Devon Sinsley said:

John I see wood. What are you going to roof this beauty with. Given that you live in a sand blaster/blast furnace what will hold up long term? I am glad I don’t have such woes.

I envisioned a half roof decrepit. I’m hoping to animate some…

I recycled all the wood from the half grounded layout and most has nicely decayed.

I hesitate to describe future details because all are subject to change.

The first phase of my imaginations are something that works, so I can start pondering and daydreamin’ .

Not cast in stone… just set there 4 now.


Fair enough. A work in progress

I’ve got wood!

Several years ago it was J. Morrison and the Doors, my freight house didn’t fare well against the trailer’s onslaught and is resting on the ground. Today it volunteered part of the floor I made for it.


I have a few tiles to narrow and the floor will be; stuck a fork in it, done. My list of details continues to grow.

High (grade) Pockets our Assayer, petitioned for a wood floor because of his arthuritis, well he claims that’s why he walks bent over, but we know it’s the gold he’s walking out the door!

There will be a pause soon on this and other projects, the fickle finger of fate isn’t done with me yet. My cancer returned and I just volunteered for 40 mini doses of radiation real close to the maxed out tissue from my first encounter. Plus last week I had 3 days of chemo starting a 3 week cycle for 5 series of infusions.

good luck with the treatments John.

On a side note on the wood floor. Your statement brings to mind a movie, Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin with Harry Morgan in the mix. Tunnels under the whole town going from saloon to saloon so they could collect the gold dust falling through the cracks in the floor boards.

Maybe you should put an outdoor cellar entry so he can gather his sweepings (

I hope you catch a break soon John. Would be nice to see you have a long stretch of feeling good. On the modeling front, I really like that you put the wood at an angle. Nice touch.