Tim is going to model a dog sledding team
Tim said:
Vic’s dream of an outdoor layout is about to come true!
Well Tim…there’s still a lot of things that need to be done before I can lay down track. Once the pavers are reworked, I have to install a short retainer wall, then electrical conduits, I thought about just running wire under the track but conduits would be easier to replace wiring if needed. I’m also going to use PTDF lumber under a raised section so I can build the scenery around the track instead of building scenery then laying track. It’s all planned, just got to do it.
OH MY! Only 12 hours to chew my nails…
Say I’m headed to the Despot, what vitals should I forget this time?
Last chance to get the good junk!(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif)
Glue, paint, brads, tape, some of that other kind of glue, blades for the utility knife, sandpaper, wire, solvent, and then take a trip down the street and buy some band aides and antiseptic
getting ready for tonight
Dave Taylor said:
getting ready for tonight
Bed early, and no drinkin’ for you tonight!
SO being in the very best timezone on earth ( mountain ) do I post the challenge at 0001hr local and make Eastern wait, Or post with the big ball drop in Eastern, that would give the westerners a couple of hr’s head start, or wait for the LA folks to sober up and those in the East are foaming at the mouth in anticipation or let everyone pause while the kids in Hawaii get to the new year…
Oh it’s so lonely at the top…
Actually, the test was because Photobucket has screwed most of us, and I’m now trying to get pics posted via the freight shed… I think I have it figured out.
The Dave
I say we give the people in Somoa the nod. Since New years hits in UTC1 in a little less than 4 hours I say we we rock Somoa, and give the go at 6:00PM Mountain.
That brings up a valid question:
Are expenses such as band aids, antiseptic, splints, and trips to the ER considered part of the $30 expense limit?
Lou Luczu said:
That brings up a valid question:
Are expenses such as band aids, antiseptic, splints, and trips to the ER considered part of the $30 expense limit?
Lou Luczu said:
That brings up a valid question:
Are expenses such as band aids, antiseptic, splints, and trips to the ER considered part of the $30 expense limit?
I actually have all that covered. I use alcohol for paint stripping, check. I have tons of wood scraps for splints, check. Can use the napkin drawing for a band aid along with blue masking tape, check. I have CA glue to glue the wounds back together or to glue on missing limbs. No need for ER. So this is all stuf you should have before go time.
Nice Red Green reference there, John!
Santa Dave is a comin’ TONIGHT (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif)(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
With Kenai weather being 8-18 degrees for highs over the next week to ten days, my guess is all you’re doing is dreaming about outdoor railroading?
No desire to go there. Indoor all the way. Keeps me occupied in the winter.
Well Tim…there’s still a lot of things that need to be done before I can lay down track. Once the pavers are reworked, I have to install a short retainer wall, then electrical conduits, I thought about just running wire under the track but conduits would be easier to replace wiring if needed. I’m also going to use PTDF lumber under a raised section so I can build the scenery around the track instead of building scenery then laying track. It’s all planned, just got to do it.
including connecting the indoor and outdoor divisions? (that might have to involve a helix)
Well I guess Dave didn’t buy the whole “Somoa time zone thing” and start 6:00 his time. So not only are we left guessing what we re doing; we are also stuck wondering when
Well I did think I’d wait for Hawaii, it’s an island and thats close enough to Somoa, isn’t it…out there in the wild blue Pacific…
I don’t know if I’ll make it for another two hrs…
Just might sleep it off till morning…
NO!!! there is a giant difference between Somoa and Hawaii. They are on opposite sides of the date line. It turned midnight in Somoa first Hawaii is damn near last. Screw Hawaii
Yeah, Samoa is celebrate New Years about 20 hours ago! Thanks for waiting, all the same. It’s the thought that counts!
Devon Sinsley said:
NO!!! there is a giant difference between Somoa and Hawaii. They are on opposite sides of the date line. It turned midnight in Somoa first Hawaii is damn near last. Screw Hawaii
“Screw Hawaii”? That from a man of God? Where is the brotherly love?