Please, Please…Pictures taken at the D&B…for those that can’t be there…and others taken in the Alcove…PLEASE
Thank you “JOHN RADDER” for your kind attitude towards others who choose not to use face book.
Fred Mills, BSc, (Sd, ss) said:
Thank you “JOHN RADDER” for your kind attitude towards others who choose not to use face book.
I have nothing against those that choose not to use FB Including you, who actually does have a Facebook profile, but never responds to my messages on FB. There has been a lot of Facebook bashing on here lately; that’s what I refer to. I don’t know of any other application where you can live stream from a phone to a wide audience for free. You Tube has some kind of live streaming, but I don’t think it’s simple to do and not sure it’s free.
Whole heartily agree with you John. Really quite easy to do on FB.
There stands the reason I will have nothing to do with face book…
If there is a profile for me on face book; I have never asked for it, or had anything to do with face book…so…why would I have a profile ?
I used to get all sorts of crap from face book, from people I didn’t know. I have no idea why. I went out of my way to try to get an answer from face book, even to the point of trying to “Unsubscribe”…even though I had never subscribed in the first place. By ignoring everything with the face book name on it; I finally stopped getting the crap, just recently.
Why would I want to join anything like that…? Email works well in communicating with my friends. And my true friends seem to have no problems sending me pictures, if asked nicely. I also let my friends know how much I appreciate the care and time they take to keep me informed, and in touch with what is going on.
For the record only 3 of us stated we didn’t use FB, I certainly wasn’t Anti- anything.
I asked for copies of the video streaming to be posted here. Big Woop. Not too threatening I think.
The Pro FB noise was so loud that it escalated…
With the negative posts here; not letting it go, I’m very glad I’m not there.
Happy Rails,
OK, while it was not my intention to stir the pot. I guess I need to be more careful with my choice of words. I consider all of you guys my freinds regardless of whether or not you are on FB and regardless of your political leaning. Let’s get back on topic…
The D&B kicked off about 15 minutes ago. Bruce and Bob are probably there already. Rick, Andy & their crew will probably hit the Lydon Diner first and be along in an hour or so.
Okay where area all the York show pictures
Hello Wayne…Fred from Ottawa here…
Uploaded more photos to the ECLSTS 2017 folder from today.
Tried to put them in club/area titles.
More to come tomorrow
have you seen any mpicture from the show at York, I could go this year health problem with wife os had to close to home
Thanks a hole lot for the picture keep them coming
Fred Mills, BSc, (Sd, ss) said:
Stan…off subject…but…Did you ever get that decal made for Doug Matheson…the one for “The Ironwood Road”…
Got squared away with Doug, Fred… Thanks for putting us back together… Found the December email and file to be worked up… Thanks, again.
Stan, tonight at the D&B I saw your work on Doc’s gorgeous coach, wow. So I won’t be bashful anymore on future orders. (
Hello All -
I am new to the G Scale hobby and just returned home from York with my first purchase of a “displayed but never run” Bachman Spectrum 81498 Denver & Rio Grande Western . Unfortunately I didn’t test it until I returned home and the wheels don’t move, though I hear a motor turning. I bought it from booth 760/761 near the emergency exit door. I believe his name was John and he had a handwritten sign that said LGB PARTS. He told me he was in the business for 40 years and will be retiring in 4 weeks. If someone can visit him tomorrow and give him my contact information or get me his, I would greatly appreciate it. Also any advice on the repairing the loco might save my marriage.
Thank you!
Pat D’Onofrio
Teaneck, NJ
Pat, I’ll try to talk with him in the morning.
Thank you, Cliff!
Are there any pictures from the “Alcove” available ? And how about pictures from the Drag and Brag…thanks to those who have posted pictures from the show. Seems that the people taking those pictures, were for some reason, avoiding the Alcove…were the people in the Alcove not friendly to you, or was there some problem with photographic rights in that area. Ric Golding, or his “Partner”, Jan, have never seemed to object to anyone taking pictures around there. Or is it some sort of political problem !!!
Fred Mills
It would be rather interesting to see some views of the “New and improved” Timesaver moduals in the Alcove.
Welcome, Patrick…the problem with your “New” locomotive, might be a cracked gear. Even a never run new locomotive can have a cracked gear. Bachmann has replacement gears available, so all is not lost. If Cliff finds the fellow who sold it to you, then the fellow should at least offer arrange to have the gear replaced.